Ambrosio R. Villorente
The Night of Dances*
*I wish to share my message presented to the NVC Community during the NVC Palaro 2009-2010 which featured ‘Night of Dances’ in the evening, August 27 at Carmen Salas Quimpo Gym, Estancia, Kalibo, Aklan. It states: "Ms. Melrose Q. Martelino, Chairperson, Board of Trustees; Atty. Allen Salas Quimpo, President, Northwestern Visayan Colleges; Ms. Erlinda Q. F. Wilson; Dr. Reinalda I. Magdaluyo, Dean, College of Education and Graduate School; Ms. Mary Grace Luces, President, NVC Supreme Student Council, members of the faculty, students, parents, and guests.
Welcome to the "Night of Dances". This evening’s affair is a very important component of the Northwestern Visayan Colleges’ three day "NVC Palaro" which started early this morning.
This year’s NVC Palaro has chosen its theme as "Love of Country Through Culture and Sports". I believed, understanding our Filipino culture will develop among the youth the genuine love of country. Engaging in sports will hasten camaraderie, teamwork, and cooperation.
In the words of a contemporary philosopher, Javier Perez de Cuellar, he said, "culture is the source and ultimate goal of development, which gives it its impetus, its quality, its meaning and its enduring foundation and that informs the promises of tomorrow".
Tonight’s affair is NVC’s way to lead our youth among others, to instill among them the love of country as well as to increase, to cultivate, and to improve their talents.
In the name of the NVC administration, management and the Supreme Student Council, from the bottom of my heart and mind, I welcome you all to a Night of Dances.
I truly wish the NVC community which includes the adminis-tration, management and staff, the members of the faculty, students, parents, visitors and guests will all enjoy tonight’s affair.
I truly congratulate all the participants to this night of dances. You are all winners. To the board of judges, thank you.
Good evening and let us enjoy the night.
Interim Financial Report
Hon. Raymar A. Rebaldo, mayor of the Ati Atihan town of Kalibo, took seven months after he released his "Interim Report of Revenue and Expenses" of the Sto. Niño Ati Atihan Festival 2009. To my understanding, interim means temporary, or provisional. This means, Mayor Rebaldo’s report is subject to change. Any question on it, he can always reply, that is only my provisional report. There are entries which maybe removed, changed, or added.
Examining the first page of the report, it is prepared by Ms. Nannie A. Roldan, head, budget, accounting and cashiering. It was submitted by Hon. Gregorio R. Malapad, Jr., chairman, budget, finance and solicitation. Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo, chairman, KAMB noted the report. Who is responsible for the report? Ms. Roldan. She prepared the report.
The report states, it has a total revenue of P3,503,367.11 while its expenses are P340,835.59. There is an excess revenue over expenses of P162,540.42. However, the excess decreased to only P107,844.33 after deduc-ting the depreciation expense of P54,439.14 and taxes of P256.95.
Compared to the P140,246.54 Ati Atihan 2008 celeration, the P107,844.33 excess revenue is smaller by P32,402.21.
The principal sources of revenues are financial assistance, sponsorship, nights and gates, donations - festival events, income - sales of beers & soft drinks and subsidy for Higante parade.
The report stated there is P750.86 interest on bank deposit. This is income out of the use of money already earned. This is not a festival income. /MP