Sunday, May 31, 2009

SP Honors Aklan Youth

The Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) of Aklan conferred Resolutions of Congratulations, Com-mendations and Certificates of Recognition to some selected youth of Aklan for their great achievements that brought great honors to them, our people and the Province of Aklan.

On hand to confer those resolutions, com-mendations, and certificates were SP members: Hon. Plaridel M. Morania, Hon. Ramon S. Gelito, Hon. Nemesio P. Neron, Hon. Wilbert Ariel I. Igoy, Hon. Daisy Sucro Briones, Hon. Jean A. Rodriguez, and Hon. Jose Yap.

Vice Governor Gabrielle C. Quimpo was absent because of the death of her beloved mother. Her inspirational message was read by Hon. Morania. Mr. Odon S. Bandiola presided the entire award ceremony.

In the field of beauty and brain, Miss Michelle Martha Braun was congratulated and com-mended for winning the Miss Philippines – Air in the Miss Philippines – Earth Pageant held on May 10, 2009 at the Arena, San Juan City, Metro Manila.

Hon. Daisy S. Briones read and handed to Michelle Martha Braun of New Washington and Banga the Resolution No. 2009 – 120. The same resolution was also given to her mother Mrs. Lowilyn R. Braun.

In the field of sports, Hon. Ramon S. Gelito read and handed Resolution No. 2009 – 122 which states, “A Resolution Congratulating and Com-mending Aklanon Athletes Who Prominently Excelled and Bagged Medals in their Respective Sports Events during the Recently Concluded Palarong Pambansa 2009 Held on April 27 – May 3, 2009 at Tacloban City, Their Coaches and Trainers, Their Alma Maters and The Division Office of the Department of Education in the Province of Aklan.”

Copies of the above stated resolution were given to: 1. Macky Delfin, Gold Medalist, Boxing, Ibajay Academy; 2. Jeselie Panado, Gold Medalist, Badminton; 3. Ramon Leonardo Lumibao and Melquesedec Navejas, Gold Medalists, volley-ball, NVC, Kalibo; 4. Noriel Pelio, Silver Medalist, Boxing, Solido National High School;

5. Mira Mirano – silver medalist, chess, Banga Elem. School; 6. Jacinto Gonzalo, coach; 7. Jun Montesa, Boxing trainer; 8. John R. Panaligan–Badminton trainer.

In academics, Hon. Wilbert Ariel I. Igoy read and handed Resolution No. 2009 – 135, “A Resolution Congratulating and Commending Kyle Edward B. Nuevas of Guinbaliwan, New Washington, Aklan and the Guinbaliwan Elementary School For Placing First Runner-Up in the 29th National Quiz Bee (Makabayan) championship held at the Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City”.

Copies of the above stated resolution were given to Kyle Edward B. Nuevas, his parents Eduardo and Leonidas Nuevas, Ms. Leonora N. Arboleda–coach, Guinbaliwan Elementary School, DepEd District of New Washington, and DepEd – Aklan.

In the professional field, two new professionals were honored. Resolution No. 2009 – 132 reads, “A Resolution Congratulating and Commending Engr. Jokshun Tabigue Reyes of Cajilo, Makato, Aklan for Ranking 9th Among The Top 10 Passers in the Electrical Engineering Board Examination Given on May 3 – 4, 2009 by the Professional Regulation Commission”.

Hon. Jerick Templonuevo read and gave the said resolution to Engr. Jokshun T. Reyes, his parents Edwin and Maria Fe Reyes; Garcia College of Technology, Cajilo Elem. School and Nalook National High School Jokshun’s alma maters.

Resolution No. 2009 – 121, “A Resolution Congratulating and Com-mending Engr. Michael Geovil I. Rovero of Bulwang, Numancia, Aklan for Landing as One Among The Four First Places in the Civil Engineering Board Examination Given on May 7 - 8, 2009 By The Professional Regulation Commission”.

Hon. Jerick Tem-plonuevo read and handed the above stated resolution to Engr. Michael Geovil I. Rovero, to his parents: Engr. George and Engr. Vilma Rovero; Aklan Learning Center and Regional Science High School, his alma maters.

The award ceremony was held on May 25 in the SP Session Hall, Capitol, Kalibo, Aklan. /MP

ASU Bags Best Public Sector Projects Award

The “Isla Kapispisan Mangrove Reforestation and Eco-tourism Project” bagged the 1st Place in the Best Public Sector Projects Awards (BPSPA) for State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) Category. A cash prize of P70,000.00 and a Presidential Trophy were awarded by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to the Aklan State University (ASU) represented by its President, Dr. Benny A. Palma, Dr. Danilo E. Abayon, Executive Director ASU-College of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (CFMS), and Mr. Jonathan Ruiz, President of Isla Kapispisan Fisherfolks Association.

The project is the Regional Development Council’s (RDC VI) this year’s best of Region VI’s public sector projects for economic, social and administration develop-ment. The award ceremony was held on May 14, 2009 at the Bacolod City New Government Center.

The project is implemented by the ASU-CFMS in New Washington, Aklan in partnership with LGU-New Washington, the Provincial Government and the Congressional District Office of Aklan, other cooperating agencies and fisherfolks organization.

The project converted an abandoned fishpond into a model people-managed and multi-sector supported mangrove reforestation, aquasilviculture and eco-tourism site. It is now serving as a convergence demo-learning area for the agri-fishery-ecotourism sector’s efforts to recreate a wholesome coastal resource environment. It is also serving as the College’s laboratory site to support its functions in instruction, research and extension.

Meanwhile, the Project “Livelihoodand Entre-preneurial Skills Enhance-ment for Rural Develop-ment,” is awarded Certificate of Recognition being one of the finalists in the Search. Dr. Palma, Dr. Anna Mae C. Relingo, Extension and Community Services Director and Dr. Elenita B. Andrade, retired Dean of CFMS received the award.

Hosted by the RDC VI, the BPSPA recognizes and emulates good public sector projects, excellence in governance, and effective program and project implementation initiated by regional line agencies, SUCs, and local government units to uplift and improve the lives of the people.

The contest covers the following categories: 1) provincial and city government units, 2) regional line agencies, 3) state universities and colleges, and 4) municipal government units.

Now on its third year of implementation, the BPSPA pays tribute to the winners and finalists for programs and project that have major impact on and direct contribution to local, regional and national development goals and objectives. /MP

Vigilance Against AH1N1


The World Health Orgniztion (WHO) based in Geneva, Switzerland for the past three weeks has issued an imminent pandemic alert Phase 5 to a disease known as Influenza A(H1N1). Its pathogenicity was determined to cause sustained community level outbreaks in at least two countries within the WHO region. As of this date there is no confirmed death in the Philippines but worldwide are 83 deaths and 12,028 confirmed people affected with the virus in 44 countries. Health protocol on national emergencies calls for rapid containment, preventive response by creating public awareness and treatment.

However, much of the anxiety lies in the absence of effective medical drugs like vaccines to combat a new virus that comes from a re-assortment of four viruses from pigs, humans and birds. Health authorities at Center of Disease Control (CDC) in the US say it takes 2–4 months before a drug could be safely used against a known antigen. Disease first cropped up in Mexico and spread to the US, Canada, Spain, United Kingdom, New Zealand and other countries because of high human mobility and exposure to the disease.

Weekly Kapehan guests on May 23 are Dr. Emilia Cortes, Prov’l. Health Officer II, Dr. Fevin Palomar, Human Quarantine Officer Kalibo International Airport (KIA), Dr. Ronald R. Lorenzo, Prov’l. Veterinarian and Engr. Percy A. Malonesio, Manager KIA. They discussed Influenza A(H1N1), a hot topic today. Potential threat is centered on Boracay as among the world’s top tourist destination, passenger transit points at KIA, Caticlan Airport, and Jetty port in Caticlan, Malay, Aklan.

Moreover, disease prevention and control are not only limited to human but the swine industry which is significantly contributing to our economy.

Dr. Cortes explained that AH1N1 is an upper respiratory tract infection with physical signs as fever, headache, fatigue, muscle or joint pains, lack of appetite, runny nose, sore throat, cough, vomiting or nausea and diarrhea. The mode of transmission is exposure to droplets from the cough and sneeze of infected persons or in closed contact with infected pigs.

“Absolutely, there is no disease transmission from eating pork as long as it is well cooked,” says the lady physician. Precautionary measures are by covering nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing, frequent washing of hands with soap and water, using alcohol-based hand sanitizer and avoiding close contact with sick people.

Definitely, persons experiencing the above stated signs must seek hospital treatment immediately. Satellite referral hospitals are Western Visayas Medical Center, Iloilo City; Vicente Sotto Medical Center, Cebu City; and Corazon Locsin Medical Center, Bacolod City.

In the absence of thermal scanner, Dr. Palomar adopts the tedious process of determining result of thermometer foil strip placed on forehead of airplane passengers and checking yellow forms duly filled up that show previous travel destination and contact with sick animals. Passengers with manifestation of disease like fever and nausea may be temporarily quarantined at designated airport lounge, double checked with oral thermometer. If found serious, he/she may be sent by ambulance to Iloilo City.

The good doctor bewails the absence of thermal scanner at the KIA to expedite detection process of passengers from incoming flights. However, price tag of P1.4 million per unit can be prohibitive but Gov. Marquez has disclosed his plan to install one at KIA. The arrival of international flights direct from Taipei to Kalibo is welcome news to Engr. Malonesio but definitely unseen travelers like AH1N1 is not.

Together with Dr. Palomar and Dr. Panfilo Belarmino, Animal Quarantine Officer systematic protocols from planes’ arrival to departure are in placed. On call is ambulance provided by LGU Kalibo to transport victim(s) from airport to the provincial hospital and thence transshipped to Iloilo City if need arises. Fortunately, a 10 year old girl who recently arrived from Canada and US at KIA turned out negative of AH1N1 at a clinical tests done in Iloilo City.

Dr. Lorenzo maintains that as of now, the country remains bird flu free. The swine flu threat however poses serious concern since it is transmitted from swine to swine and swine to human. Definitely, swine flu vaccines are available only for pigs. The veterinarian advised pork consumers to buy from reputable dealers or public markets where merchandise has passed proper meat inspection. Market stall owners selling meat and meat products along highways in barangays are under direct supervision and control of LGU’s.

Provincial Veteriarian’s Office has deputized quarantine personnel in all entry points of the province whether airport or seaport to regulate the flow of poultry, livestock, wildlife shipments, and processed meat. Shippers must present pertinent papers as veterinary health certificate, livestock handler’s permit, transport license, and other required documents. Otherwise, animals or processed food will be either confiscated or turned back.

Pandemic alert must be given utmost attention not only by authorities but by the general population. It should be recalled that in early 20th century, cholera pandemic outbreak killed 400,000 people in Europe, Asia, and North America. Most practical way pending release of potent vaccine is to curb the spread by increasing body immune system through personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, exercise and spurning vices. Vigilance is the key to survival in these uncertain times. /MP

Inaccurate GSIS Data

According to reliable information, the GSIS data is 30 percent accurate and 70 percent wrong. This inaccuracy of the GSIS data explains the errors in the records of loan repayments, remittances of premium payments and other relevant information needed in the GSIS, and its members.

This inaccurate GSIS data is seemingly the truth as the GSIS warned it “will launch a series of legal actions against the IBM for incalculable damages that the pension fund sustained due to defective com-puter software”. This announcement published in the PDI issued on May 26, 2009 is an admission GSIS data are defective.

According to the GSIS chief legal counsel Estrella Elamparo, GSIS has sent two demand letters “asking IBM for a permanent solution to the problems”. The final demand letter was sent to IBM president and CEO Samuel J. Palmisano.

However, IBM Philippines rejected com-pletely the GSIS claims. In a statement, IBM said, they are disappointed with the approach the GSIS has taken. GSIS executive vice president Consuelo Manansala revealed the GSIS is having backlog. There is now 20,000 claims pending due to the “crash”. Most of those claims are of government employees who retired recently. With the system breaking down, the backlog is piling up, Manansala stressed.

In Aklan, payment of monthly pensions was delayed one week in May, 2009. /MP

Akelco Annual General Membership Assembly Pagahiwaton

Gina pahisayod sa tanan nga miyembro-konsumidor it Aklan Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AKELCO) nga paga-hiwaton ro ika-26th Annual General Membership Assembly (AGMA) it atong kooperatiba sa Hunyo 6, 2009, Sabado nga adlaw.

Maga umpisa ro programa sa ala-una y media (1:30 pm) it hapon sa Engr. Job Y. Besana Hall, Akelco Compound, Lezo, Aklan.

Ro AGMA maka-rong dag-on hay may tema nga “Keeping the Lights On”.
Gina pangabay gid ro tanan nga miyembro-konsumidor sa bilog nga probinsya it Akean ag ro mga taga Pandan ag Libertad, Antique nga magtambong sa raya nga asembliya agud makasayod kita it mga bagay bagay nahanungod sa atong AKELCO.

Ro registration hay maga-umpisa sa alas dose y media it udto ro adlaw (12:30 nn). Dugang pa, magdaea ku inyong pinakabag-o o latest nga resibo it AKELCO nga naka pangaean kinyo ag Identification card o ID para maka-entra sa raffle bonanza. Saeamat guid nga abo. /MP

Politicians’ Promises Unfulfilled Paquiao Dwarfs Onyok Velasco’s Olympic Stardom


SAN DIEGO, California–Filipino Olympian Mansueto “Onyok” Velasco Jr. joined the Team Pacquiao as guest during “The Battle of the East and West” in Las Vegas, Nevada for two weeks but his presence hardly made any impact compared to 13 years ago when he was the toast of Philippine sports. Onyok Velasco brought home the silver medal in boxing in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, 32 years after the Tokyo Olympics where Anthony Villanueva won silver medal in boxing like Onyok.

“Parang nakalimutan na si Onyok at ang karangalan na ibinigay niya sa bansa”, (It seems they have forgotten Onyok and the glory he brought to the country), observed another former Filipino Olympian who is now based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

The Vancouver-based former Olympian said he sensed that nobody was interested to even say hello to the diminutive Velasco who was seen most of the time wandering in the casino hall alone in Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino where Team Pacquiao was billeted from April 27 until May 3.

Some Philippine politicians who came to watch Manny Pacquiao shoot for Ricky Hatton’s International Boxing Organization (IBO) light welterweight on May 2 at the MGM Grand reportedly ignored Velasco deliberately as they were all enmeshed on Pacquiao.

“Thirteen years ago, they were the same politicians who were in mad scramble to have souvenir photos with Onyok when he was invited to the House of Representatives,” former House chief of staff Florentino Escudero said. “They are now afraid to come near Onyok probably because they made promises that were never fulfilled.”

Some of the alleged unfulfilled promises of politicians who were mostly legislators were a lifetime pension and a house and lot for the Bago City-native Velasco, now 35, who narrowly lost to Bulgarian Daniel Petrov Bojilov in the light flyweight finals during the Atlanta Olympics, USA.Velasco, for his part, admitted his popularity has waned now that Pacquiao has become a global sports icon. Only his former coach, 1976 Montreal Olympics quarter-finalist Reynaldo Fortaleza, gave him special attention during the Pacquiao-Hatton 12-round fisticuff.

Fortaleza said Velasco was among the best amateur boxers ever produced by the Amateur Boxing Association of the Philippines (ABAP) under the tutelage of the Lopez father son, Gemeliano and Manny, who both served as presidents, respectively.

Velasco, whose elder brother Roel earlier copped the bronze medal in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, was treated as national hero as many government and sports officials in the country believed he was cheated of the gold medal in losing a controversial 19-6 decision.

Due to his frustration over the politicians’ empty promises, Velasco rejected an offer to turn professional and became a TV sitcom comedian.

His Olympic batch-mate, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. of the United States also lost a controversial decision in the featherweight finals to another Bulgarian Serafim Teodorov. Mayweather turned professional and became a world welter-weight champion.

Hatton’s KO Loss Seals
De La Hoya’s Humiliation

Unknown to most boxing fans, Oscar De La Hoya, more than anybody else, shared the humiliation of British fans who mourned the brutal fall of Ricky “The Hitman” Hatton in the “The Battle of East and West” 12-round duel for International Boxing Organization (IBO) light welterweight crown at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on May 2.

The 1992 Barcelona Olympics gold medalist, who now manages the Golden Boy Promotions in fact did not show up during the post fight media conference as he “accompanied” Hatton (45-2, 32 KO’s) in the hospital where he was rushed after having been brutalized by Manny Pacquiao (49-3-2, 37 KO’s) in two rounds.

De La Hoya, who was himself waylaid by Pacquiao on December 5 last year in the same arena “lost his face” after he didn’t give the 30-year-old Filipino southpaw a ghost of a chance to beat Hatton despite the Filipino ring warrior’s reputation as “giant killer”.

Even after Hatton was given a clean bill of health by doctors in the hospital, De La Hoya did not anymore speak to the media for his much-awaited post mortem message.
He was reportedly shocked, humiliated, and stayed at Hatton’s side for few minutes in the Las Vegas hospital.
It was his chief executive officer Richard Schaeffer who did the talking to media and who justified his sudden disappearance.

In the final press conference before the rumble, De La Hoya valiantly told pundits, “If I fought Ricky Hatton last December 5, he would have knocked me out”. He wanted to tell fight fans Pacquiao’s 8th-round TKO win over him was fluke.

De La Hoya, whose left eye was nearly swollen shut, surrendered on his stoll at the start of 8th round and did not go down like Hatton who was bludgeoned by a single wicked left and fell like a deck of cards.

If it was Hatton who fought him that night, the flamboyant De La Hoya believed he would have been blown to bits by the slugger from Manchester.

After the quick stoppage of Hatton, Pacquiao, unmarked and unfazed, made the now retired De La Hoya eat his words the second time around.

De La Hoya ran out of alibi and many fight fans were convinced De La Hoya was really mauled black and blue by the smaller Pacquiao last December 5 no matter how his publicists offered excuses that the heavier De La Hoya could not meet the 147-lb weight limit in the card dubbed “Dream Match” the reason why Pacquiao had a field day peppering him with howitzers in the face.

Despite the embarrass-ment, De La Hoya agreed to ink another deal with Hatton in the future—this time as co-promoters.

Hatton announced he will shift career from prizefighter to boxing promoter like De La Hoya and hinted the possibility of taking in some world-ranked Filipino fighters in order to add luster to his future cards in the United Kingdom. /MP

Youth Camp in Numancia


The Parish Youth Ministry of St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Numancia, Aklan successfully held the 2nd Parochial Youth Camp on May 15-17, 2009 at the Sto. Nino Seminary, Numancia, Aklan with the theme “Youth Empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The objectives are: to empower the youth thru the guidance of the Holy Spirit; to produce responsible Christians/members of the youth ministry; and to motivate the youth to be responsive and active members of the church.

It is a gathering of more than a hundred youth in the parish of Numancia age 15–39 who are active members of the youth ministry. Some guest participants from the Diocese of Kalibo, Banga, Ibajay, and Pandan, Antique participated in the three days and two nights youth camp that brought a very meaningful and remarkable experience to each and everyone who joined, myself included.

Series of activities during the youth camp which are enjoyed by the young people are the torch parade, Taize prayer, animation, group presentations and sharing, early morning walk to Navitas, team building activities, tasking, and culminating program, Liturgy/Eucharistic celebrations by Rev. Fr. Am Mijares, Fr. Jose Relente, Fr. Vincent Cahilig and Fr. Elso Nalangan; listening to inspiring talks of smart and youthful speaker priests team ministry, Diocese of Numancia.

First speaker was Rev. Fr. Jay Velarde. He talked about “The Cenacle Experience”. Cenacle, derived from the word “Cenaculum” also known as the Upper Room, a term used for the site of the last supper and also considered the site of the Holy Spirit as it descended upon disciples on the day of Pentecost. According to Fr. Jay, “If one has the WHY, one can endure any HOW in life”. “We are God’s workmanship and within us are great possibilities to do good things for others and for God”, he stressed.

Rev. Fr. Val Nalangan talked about “The Tongues of Fire”. Fr. Val emphasized the three coolest experiences every young people go through. 1. The Room Experience – apparently every young people always find outrageous ways to find comfort in every com-plicated situation. 2. The Samalamig Experience –normally, youth encounters tense feelings like shyness, anxiousness, fear, cons-ciousness and all others 3. The Wheeeee Experience – or the fear factored and conquered moments.
Fr. Val also pointed out the three empowering and motivating moves which are 1. Diving into the Unknown 2. Driving Forward, and 3. Jumping in Winning, simply because one has been empowered to do so.

The third speaker, Rev. Fr. Jesse Guillergan, Jr. talked about “The Opened Door”. He inspired the young people to identify the most appreciated quality one can have and the power and capacity to do something great and learn to take the courage to make it happen. The need to reach out, explore possibilities of goodness to share and serve for others and for God.
After the talks, the young people were empowered, inspired and moved. Most of the youth who joined entered the Seminary (campsite) with uncertain minds and hearts. They candidly confessed that they knew little and unaware of what’s going to happen inside. As some of them were first timers to join in a spiritual youth gathering, they were just dragged by friends and acquaintances.
At first, they felt like they were drifting in an ocean without direction to take. But through the series of activities, bonding, friendship and genuine laughter shared, they were not just playing in a sandbox because God allows them to enjoy the ocean. They enjoyed at that. What an experience to cherish!

Every young people were given the chance to show their talents, to be their best and to be themselves during the presentation. They developed friendship and sportsmanship, won companionship which they will carry on for the rest of their lives.

The three days youth camp ended with great burning empowerment from the Holy Spirit. The young people went home equipped with the gift of wisdom, faith, love and generosity. They are the empowered youth of Numancia! /MP

Governor’s Cup Result


At a score of 79 – 75, Team Banga became the champion of the Governor Carlito S. Marquez Basketball Tournament 2009.

The games were played in the ABL Sports and Cultural Center that started on the first week of May. It was participated by the 17 teams, one from each town of Banga, Balete, Altavas, Batan, Libacao, New Washington, Kalibo, Madalag, Malinao, Lezo, Makato, Tangalan, Ibajay, Nabas, Malay, Buruanga, and Numancia.

After the elimination round, six teams survived which were Numancia, Batan, Balete, Kalibo, New Washington and Banga. Balete and Batan dropped out of the tournament after the quarter final. After the semi final, New Washington and Kalibo, just played one game for the second runner up which New Washington got.

Championship games were the best of three games. Numancia won the first game at a score of 69 – 64 while the last two games went to Banga.

As champion, Banga received P40,000 cash and trophy, the first runner up – Numancia, P30,000 and trophy, second runner up – New Washington, P25,000 and trophy and third runner up – Kalibo, P20,000 and trophy. The award ceremony was held after the championship game in the evening of Thursday, May 28 at the ABL Sports Center, Kalibo, Aklan.

For individual awards, John Guanco – Numancia was the Best Import; Ricky Ricafuente – Banga, Best Guard; Donald Delfin of Kalibo and Anthony Lao of New Washington–Best Forwards; and Samuel Ignacio – Numancia, Best Center. For sportsmanship, Bryan Quimpo,Banga won the award.
The Most Valuable Player is Ricky Ricafuente of Banga. /MP

Aklan Hosts Seminar On U.S. Immigration Laws

The Province of Aklan through Gov. Carlito S. Marquez and in cooperation with Carpio-Dela Cruz Law Offices of Kalibo, Aklan hosted a half-day seminar on Updates on U.S. Immigration Laws and Other Related Topics on May 20, 2009 at 1:00 – 5:00 in the afternoon at the Gov. Corazon L. Cabagnot Tourism and Training Center, Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan.

The resource speaker was a distinguished Los Angeles, California – based Immigration Lawyer, Atty. Abe D. Marapao, Jr. He is also the Managing Partner of Bunagan, Marapao, and Valdez, LLP, a full service law partnership with office at Penthouse One, 340 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California.

The seminar aimed to inform Aklanons particularly those having immigration issues related to Non-Immigrant’s Visa, Family, and Employment–based petitions. The U.S. Immig-ration Lawyer outlined the usual U.S. immigration problems and concerns and explained the options available to the U.S. Visa applicants, including the advantages and dis-advantages of each option.

Every Aklan U.S. Visa applicant who is well-informed of his legal options may it be for a family or employment based petition (nurses and other medical pro-fessionals) will easily solve immigration problems, be reunited with their families, and be able to work in the U.S. like the “American Dream”.

The seminar was co-sponsored by Carpio-Dela Cruz Law Offices of Atty. Beato Alessandro C. Dela Cruz, III and retired Judge Arturo Carpio, who is chosen as its law firm’s advocacy to enlighten each Aklanon of their legal rights and options.

That seminar on U.S. Immigration Law Is Not a Recruitment Seminar. Instead, it will greatly help hopeful Aklanons to realize the dream of working and living in the United States of America with their families. /MP

Operation Plan Red Plate is Succeeding

The initial operation of the Inter-Agency Task Force O-Plan Red Plate in April 2009, was a success.

Out of the seven (7) teams, five (5) conducted check points in Antique, Aklan, Capiz, Iloilo Province and Iloilo City. The other two (2) teams were on mobile patrol.

Base upon the team reports, the Inter-Agency Task Force apprehended and recorded 110 government vehicles allegedly violated the laws, rules, and regulations in its use .

Itemized reports per province/city Inter-Agency Task Force are as follows: team Aklan–16; Antique–7; Capiz–19; Guimaras–10; Iloilo City–13; Iloilo Province–15; Negros Occidental–30, which totaled 110 violations.

The Ombudsman Office also received a number of reports through its Ombudsman Text Hotline during the Holy Week. With this positive response from the public, it is expected that more reports will come in.

It is worthy to note that Governor Neil D. Tupas, Sr. and Mayor Jerry Treñas committed to support this campaign by doing away with their special car plates and by ordering all the officials and employees of the Iloilo City and Provincial Government to strictly use trip tickets every time they travel.

On the other hand, Governor Isidro P. Zayco of the Province of Negros Occidental manifested his support to the Oplan Red Plate campaign.

DPWH Regional Director, Rolando Asis, also instructed all District Engineers to comply with all the rules and guidelines pertaining to the use of government vehicles. He also ordered to place the DPWH logo and “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY” sign in all their vehicles.

Aside from the newspaper articles, the campaign has also made it to the Radio and TV Programs where the public was informed about the O-Plan Red Plate Campaign. The public was also informed that they can support O-Plan Red Plate by reporting to our Hotline numbers the government vehicles which they see during weekends and holidays.

The intensified campaign of Ombudsman’s Office made a remarkable impact not only to government officials concerned but to the general public as well. Strict compliance by all national agencies and local government units in the proper use of government vehicles would mean great government savings for the benefit of the Filipino people. /MP

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spending Special Education Fund

Is the Special Education Fund (SEF) spent according to the purpose for which it is raised?

SEF is being derived annually from the additional tax on the real estate property tax to be expended exclusively for education. As mandated by Republic Act No. 5447 or "An Act Creating A Special Education Fund" under Section 4 of this law, mandates the "imposition of an annual tax of one percentum on assessed value of real property in addition to the real property tax regularly levied thereon under existing laws… provided that the total real property tax shall not exceed a maximum of three percentum".

Approved on September 25, 1968, there are 11 activities which this Special Education Fund can finance. This are: 1. the organization and operation of extension classes which include the creation of classroom teacher positions; 2. construction and repair of school buildings, and site acquisition; 3. payment of salary adjustment of school teachers; 4. preparation, printing and/or purchase of textbooks, teacher’s manual, forms and pamphlets;

5. purchase, improve-ment, repair, and re-furnishing of machinery, laboratory, technical and similar equipment; 6. establishment of printing plant… for the printing needs of DepEd; 7. purchase of teaching materials like workbooks, flip charts, atlases, science and mathematics teaching aids; 8. implementation of the existing program for citizenship development in the barrio high schools, folk schools and adult education classes (now alternative learning system); 9. for education research; 10. granting of scholarships to poor but deserving students; and 11. promotion of physical education.

Where SEF Money Go?

In "Status of appro-priation, allotment, and obligations" signed by the Provincial Accountant of Aklan, the following information was gleaned. As of Dec. 31, 2008, there was a grand total appropriation of P28,539,585.66. Of this amount, the sum of P18,070,405.46 were expended. The appro-priation balance was P10,469,180.20.

The expenditures are of three categories which are: a. personal services, b. maintenance and other operating expenses, and c. capital outlay.

Examining what is constructed out of the almost P6.2 million capital outlay, the report said, "construction of Aklan Sports Complex". This may refer to the sports complex in Calangcang, Makato, Aklan.

Is the construction of a sports complex included in the items enumerated in RA 5447 for which SEF fund maybe spent? It is not found.

Sports complex is necessary for any province like Aklan to develop, maintain and sustain the physical, mental status of the people.

Needless to state, the Basic Education law has removed sports and culture from former DECS which is now DepEd. But why is DepEd still so highly concentrated and spent the SEF fund to finance its participation in athletic meets in the provincial, regional, and national levels? There is now the Philippine Sports Commission which DepEd might source out fund for its participation in athletic meets. Does DepEd request fund from PSC?

Going over the P10 million spent for maintenance and other operating expenses, purchase of instructional materials like books are hardly found. What are prominent are expenses for athletic competition, con-ferences and some subjects contests. This confirms the scarcity of teaching aids.

The money collected for SEF is divided as 50 percent for the municipality, 20 percent to the province, and 30 percent to national. The budgeting and disbursing of the Fund are entrusted to the local school board composed of four members and a chair person. No person represents the tax payers who pay the SEF.

Budgeting and spending of SEF maybe improved if accompanied with full disclosure of the fund in a budget year following RA 5447. /MP

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Kalibo Agriculture Planning

The Committee on Agriculture, Sangguniang Bayan (SB) of Kalibo invited me to attend a committee hearing on May 19 held in the SB Session Hall, Kalibo. Hon. Emmanuel Soviet Russia Aguirre Dela Cruz, committee chair, extended the invitation to discuss a proposed "Resolution Requesting Hon. Carlito S. Marquez…and the National Irrigation Authority in Aklan to Draw Up An Irrigation Master Plan for the Province Assuring the Efficient Use and Continuous Supply of Water in the Rice Paddies".

Present in the committee hearing were members of the SB Committee on Agriculture, barangay chairmen and other invited resource persons.

After the preliminary remarks of the chair, Hon. Dela Cruz, I was requested to give my comments on the proposed resolution.

The SB Kalibo may draft and approve a municipal agricultural development plan. In the plan, irrigation will be one of the components. When this municipal agricultural development plan is approved, it can be a pattern for all 17 towns of Aklan in the formulation of their respective municipal agricultural development plan.

As soon as all municipal plans are completed, it can be integrated into a provincial agricultural development plan with irrigation included.

The planning officers of every municipality may lead in this planning project with the guidance of the Provincial Development and Planning group. This is in consideration of the bottom up planning process enabling people participation for matters that affect them.

Listening to the opinions of the barangay chairs, the hearing was focused to the present situation of the irrigation system in Kalibo. Information on the zero maintenance of the lateral canals rendered some irrigation ditches non functional. With the information from the barangay chairs, the discussion shifted to the enforcement of irrigation laws. It was diverted from long term planning vis-à-vis formulation of irrigation master plan.

Overprice Road

"On Target", the column of Ramon Tulfo in the Philippines Daily Inquirer, May 16, 2009 revealed "a four-kilometer stretch of road in La Castellana will cost P115". However, road construction engineers revealed the average construction of one kilometer road is P15 million, hence only P60 million will be spent for that road. Where will the P55 million extra go?

La Castellana is 80 kilometers away from Bacolod City. This is one of the towns in the congressional district being represented by Cong. Ignacio "Iggy" Arroyo, a brother of the First Gentleman.

GSIS Withholds $400M

The Government Service Insurance System has withheld the $400 million global investment program because of the worldwide financial crunch. This is announced by Cecil L. Feleo, GSIS senior vice president. Feleo is in charge of the GSIS asset management group.

It is ironic that the GSIS is investing GSIS money abroad when the Philippines is attracting foreign investment. If the GSIS money is invested in the Philippines, it will help solve many problems such as increase the gross domestic product, provide more employment, and conserve foreign exchange among others.

Investing GSIS money abroad which is actually owned by the government, specifically the GSIS members, is a demonstration of lack of love and respect among Filipinos and the Philippines.

Last year, GSIS allotted $600 million to ING Investment Manage-ment in Singapore and Credit Agricole Asset Management.

The GSIS report last year claimed GSIS earned P1.4 billion at the end of September 2008 from an initial investment of P25.12 billion.

If this huge amount was earned by the GSIS, what is the reason why GSIS does not pay members any dividend in December? Dividends were paid every December before Mr. Winston Garcia became GSIS president and manager. Moreover, the GSIS pensioners do not receive any increase in their monthly meager pension. Actually, what the GSIS invests is the pension fund. If GSIS investment is constantly earning, the pensioners whose money is being invested must be given their just shares. But they are not. /MP

Hope in 2010 Elections


Kapehan Sa Aklan guests on the subject "2010 Elections". They are (l to r) Ms. Lorena Tumbagahan, COMELEC, Hon. Selwyn C. Ibaretta, Ms. Concepcion Tumbagahan and Juan Ruiz, Jr., COMELEC Registrars for Nabas and Ibajay respectively.

Gearing up for automated polls particularly 2010 national elections can be Herculean task for the Commission on Elections (COMELEC). It can also be a breeze if things go on as planned but nervousness is normal for first timers. Confidence build-up in staff of two personnel per municipality can be admirable but the job is shared commodity i.e. multi-sectoral and participative.

The weekly Kapehan sa Aklan forum on May 16 had guests from the Provincial Comelec Office, Ms. Lorena D. Tumbagahan, Atty. Selwyn C. Ibaretta, Senior member SP, Atty. Plaridel M. Morania, SP member, Juan E. Ruiz, Jr. Comelec Registrar Ibajay and Concepcion T. Ruiz, Comelec Registrar, Nabas.

Atty. Tolentino, former Vice Gov. mentioned that our constitution implies a love for politics hence, representative government emanating from a democratic political exercise. Healthy participation of all qualified voters is a must to determine the nation’s future with leaders whom we choose to fill positions of power and influence.

Ms. Tumbagahan announced that November 30, 2009 is the deadline for filing Certificates of Candidacy (COC). Voter registration will end on October 31, this year. This is in line with the new election guideline using automated elections, an unprecedented practice that potentially geared to remove 99 percent of all election irregularities.

Tumbagahan averred that their offices are open for voters registration from Monday to Saturday and holidays. Use of Biometric Capturing machine expedites the process of registration, identify double registrants (serious elections offense), stores and processes vital data information, and issues voters ID. Comelec expects a 12 – 15 percent increase in voter registration this year based on heightened individual awareness and community-based support groups.

New poll methodology uses a paper ballot that includes list of candidates where voter simply blackens the box opposite the names of candidates. Canvassing of votes is done by Precinct Count Optical Scan capable of transmitting digital data to provincial, regional and national Comelec offices in Metro Manila. "We are optimistic that final tally of election returns for President be known within 24 hours compared to average of two and a half months in previous years. Official results of canvass will be provided to persons and entities authorized under the Omnibus Election Code, according to Provincial Supervisor.

Ms. Tumbagahan disclosed that filing for voters registration, however, is not final and executory. This is decided by the Municipal Election Registration Board which holds quarterly meetings usually on the 3rd Monday of the month. Legal issues tackled are on non-residence, civil and criminal offenses filed by third parties. Complete and final listing of registered voters are printed in alphabetical order based on territorial jurisdiction whose precinct number is more or less permanent. Registered voters are asked to text or call local Comelec office days before actual voting day to avoid confusion and disenfranchisement.

Atty. Ibaretta encourages people particularly the youth to actively participate in the democratic political process. Core group advocates for change must be developed in school campuses since they have the idealism, dynamism and determination.

Meanwhile, Atty. Morania challenged masscom students from Northwestern Visayan Colleges to organize themselves since successful reform movement in the past was started by young people. Morania pointed out that he could have been a nobody in the hinterland of Libacao had it not been for his dream of getting an education and influencing others. Voting is a privilege granted to individuals and whether results of election may turn good or bad is our collective responsibility.

There is always "light at the end of the tunnel" as the saying goes. There is positive note of confidence over Comelec’s ability to manage unprecedented shift from years of manual voting and canvassing to automated machines. It should be recalled that poll automation was initially tested during the mid 1990’s in Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao elections but it took several weeks before final tally was known. It was also marred by election violence and irregularities that canvassing of votes in critical areas were clustered in the poblacions.

Campaign for honest, clean, orderly, and peaceful elections can be a reality if pre and post election safeguards based on Automation Law is observed and implemented. Foreseen hindrances can be frequent, and unannounced power outages and barangays not served by electricity. NGO’s and GO’s must be vigilant in 2010 elections because outcome could be crucial to determine nature and thrust of our constitutional changes amidst formidable challenges of the 21st century.

This early, we have covert and overt signs of political campaign propaganda in the mass media by presidentiables like Sen. Mar Roxas, Sen. Manny Villar and Mayor Jejomar Binay of Makati.

Panelists agreed that there is no Comelec violation as long as they don’t specifically encourage people to vote for them. It appears that Comelec is sending wrong signal over early filing of COC’s yet campaign period is limited to 45 days for local and 90 days for national candidates. Indeed, lifting of political ad van predisposes moneyed politicians to have superior edge over their rivals. Whatever the outcome, hope springs eternal for statesmen who can propel this country to greater fame and glory without the aid of traditional 3G’s namely guns, goons, and gold. /MP

NCC Roadshow

The National Com-petitive Council (NCC) conducted a one day NCC Road Show billed as "Public Private Partnership Towards Competitivenes." It was held on May 19 in Sampaguita Gardens, New Washington, Aklan.

The road show provided opportunity for the NCC to generate cooperation tie-up with local chambers of commerce, LGUs and Non-Government Organizations (NGO) on how to push forward the NCC priority action agenda for com-petitiveness. It also provides pertinent information to the MSMEs and exporters concerning access to easy financing. The NCC is created by virtue of Executive Order No. 571 to implement the action agenda for com-petitiveness. It aims to improve competitiveness in six areas as: human resource, management, financing, transaction costs and flows, infrastructure, and energy.

Discussed are: Public–Private Sector Partnership Towards Competitiveness by Rey Y. Moreno, director for operations, NCC; Effective Access to Financing Loan Programs of GFIs/Banks and Testimonials of clients. This was jointly presented and discussed by Dulce Q. Rañosa, Arthur Genavia, Emmanuel Torres, and Julie Jean S. Tidon; PMSMED Center–Services and Publications for MSMEs by Leila S. Sualog; and Export Promotion Fund by Elsa Valenzuela, policy officer, NCC.

Governor Carlito S. Marquez presented "Aklan Province’s Pursuit for Com-petitiveness". Guidon I. Dela Cruz, of the PCCI gave the opening message, and Engr. Diosdado P. Cadena, Jr., provincial director – DTI Aklan the closing statements. /MP

DepEd Officials Not Yet Off The Hook In Noodle Scam

Sen. Mar Roxas shows Sen. President Juan Ponce Enrile sample of the overpriced 100/gram noodles DepEd bought from allegedly favored bidder during the hearing Tuesday last week into the agency’s noodle procurement project under its School-Feeding Program. The undertaking was suspended pending the results of a review ordered by DepEd Secretary Jesli Lapus.

Senator Mar Roxas last week said erring officials involved in the multi-million pesos noodle procurement project of the Department of Education remains liable despite the suspension of the undertaking.
"Responsibilities is still there", said the chairman of the Senate education committee investigating the allegedly overpriced contract, which bidding was likewise supposedly tainted with irregularities.
Education Secretary Jesli Lapus has suspended the execution of the questionable noodle pro-curement contract with JEVERPS Manufacturing Corp. He ordered a review of the entire School-Feeding Program of the department.
This is the second anomalous multi-million pesos government contract that got cancelled because of Senate investigation Roxas initiated. The first was the P1.4-billion dredging machine contract awarded by the National Irrigation Authority (NIA). It was cancelled even before the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee started its own investigation into allegations of bid rigging exposed by Roxas in a privilege speech.
Roxas said his committee would closely monitor the results of the review of the DepEd contract. "I will wait for the result of their review before making the next move", he said. He added, "We are glad to accept the decision of Secretary Jing Lapus to suspend the noodles contract which DepEd entered. Due to several questions, we are pleased DepEd will conduct the review and stopped the contract."
Roxas said, "Lapus failed to act timely on the anomalous transaction. "I, myself will file case against it. The instant noodles procured by the department were grossly overpriced," he stressed. The JEVERPS noodle packages for the SY 2009-2010 cost P22 per 100 grams.
Noodle manufac-turing companies testified during the hearing that regular noodles sold in sari-sari stores cost only P6 per 55 grams, or P12 per 110 grams.
Roxas also noted there is no clear proof to show noodles acquired by the DepEd were more nutritious compared to the regular noodles, or if claims that they were fortified with fresh eggs and malunggay were true.
The Visayan senator announced he would defer his committee’s inquiry into the anomaly but warned the DepEd against bungling its review.
In Aklan, school beneficiaries of the feeding program "Diyos Mabalos" sponsored, improved pupils’ attendance and weight. /MP

Reason and Concern

By Ronquillo C. Tolentino
Live to 100
People past their 40’s tend to look at their health. Past 65 years old, I do read about health like other people past 60 years old.

The British Medical Journal says that the big factor that determines how well your age is not your genes but how well you live.

There are steps to take to age well by having certain traits in how we eat, move about and deal with stress.

Thomas Perls who studies the century-plus set at Boston University School of Medicine says that there’s no stopping you from living well into your 90’s. Perls presents this 10 health habits that will help you live to 100, thus.

1. Don’t retire. "Evidence shows that in societies where people stop working abruptly, the incidence of obesity and chronic disease skyrockets after retirement," says Luigi Ferrucci, director of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging.

The Chianti region of Italy, which has a high percentage of centenarians, has a different take on leisure time. "After people retire from their jobs, they spend most of the day working on their little farm, cultivating vegetables and flowers," he says. "They’re never really inactive." Is farming for you? Volunteer as a docent at your local museum or join a leadership program for boys and girls.

2. Floss everyday. That may help keep your arteries healthy. A 2008 New York University study showed that daily flossing reduces the amount of gum-disease-causing bacteria in the mouth. This bacteria is thought to enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammation in the arteries, a major risk factor for heart disease.

Other research has shown that those who have high amounts of bacteria in their mouth are more likely to have thickening in their arteries, another sign of heart disease.

3. Move around. "Exercise is the only real fountain of youth that exists," says Jay Olshansky, a professor of medicine and aging researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago . "It’s like the oil and lube job for your car. You don’t have to do it, but your car will definitely run better."

Study after study has documented the benefits of exercise to improve your mood, mental acuity, balance, muscle mass, and bones. "And the benefits kick in immediately after your first workout," Olshansky adds. Don’t worry if you’re not a gym rat. Those who see the biggest payoffs are the ones who go from doing nothing to simply walking around the neighborhood or local mall for about 30 minutes a day. Building muscle with resistance training is also ideal, but yoga classes can give you similar strength-training effects.

4. Eat a fiber-rich cereal for breakfast. Getting a serving of whole-grains, especially in the morning, appears to help older folks maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the day, according to a recent study conducted by Ferrucci and his colleagues. "Those who do this have a lower incidence of diabetes, a known accelerator of aging," he says.

5. Get at least six hours of shut-eye. Instead of skimping on sleep to add more hours to your day, get more to add years to your life. "Sleep is one of the most important functions that our body uses to regulate and heal cells," says Ferrucci. "We’ve calculated that the minimum amount of sleep that older people need to get those healing REM phases is about six hours." Those who reach the century mark make sleep a top priority.

6. Consume whole foods, not supplements. Strong evidence suggests that people who have high blood levels of certain nutrients—selenium, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E—age much better and have a slower rate of cognitive decline. Unfortunately, there’s no evidence that taking pills with these nutrients provides those antiaging benefits.

"There are more than 200 different carotenoids and 200 different flavonoids in a single tomato," points out Ferrucci, "and these chemicals can all have complex interactions that foster health beyond the single nutrients we know about like lycopene or vitamin C." Avoid nutrient-lacking white foods (breads, flour, sugar) and go for all those colorful fruits and vegetables and dark whole-grain breads and cereals with their host of hidden nutrients.

7. Be less neurotic. It may work for Woody Allen, who infuses his worries with a healthy dose of humor, but the rest of us neurotics may want to find a new way to deal with stress. "We have a new study coming out that shows that centenarians tend not to internalize things or dwell on their troubles," says Perls. "They are great at rolling with the punches." If this inborn trait is hard to overcome, find better ways to manage when you’re stressed: Yoga, exercise, meditation, tai chi, or just deep breathing for a few moments are all good. Ruminating, eating chips in front of the TV, binge drinking? Bad, very bad.

8. Live like a Seventh Day Adventist. Americans who define themselves as Seventh Day Adventists have an average life expectancy of 89, about a decade longer than the average American. One of the basic tenets of religion is that it’s important to cherish the body that’s on loan from God, which means no smoking, alcohol abuse, or overindulging in sweets. Followers typically stick to a vegetarian diet based on fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts, and get plenty of exercise. They’re also very focused on family and community.

9. Be a creature of habit. Centenarians tend to live by strict routines, says Olshansky, eating the same kind of diet and doing the same kinds of activities their whole lives. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day is another good habit to keep your body in the steady equilibrium that can be easily disrupted as you get on in years. "Your physiology becomes frailer when you get older," explains Ferrucci, "and it’s harder for your body to bounce back if you missed a few hours of sleep one night or drink too much alcohol." This can weaken immune defenses, leaving you more susceptible to circulating flu viruses or bacterial infections.

10. Stay connected. Having regular social contacts with friends and loved ones is key to avoiding depression, which can lead to premature death, something that’s particularly prevalent in elderly widows and widowers. Some psychologists even think that one of the biggest benefits elderly folks get from exercise is strong social interactions that come from walking with a buddy or taking a group exercise class. Having a daily connection with a close friend or family member gives older folks the added benefit of having someone watch their back. "They’ll tell you if they think your memory is going or if you seem more withdrawn," says Perls, "and they might push you to see a doctor before you recognize that you need to see one yourself." /MP

‘Mayweather Will Never Commit Hatton’s Mistake’

SAN DIEGO, California —A member of the Philippine boxing team in the 1976 Montreal Olympics has predicted an "inevitable" showdown between newly crowned IBO light welterweight king Manny Pacquiao and former best boxer in the world pound-for-pound Floyd Mayweather, Jr. before the end of 2009.

"Weeks after Manny Pacquiao brought down England’s greatest warrior with a single sledgehammer- like punch in the much-ballyhooed ‘The Battle of East and West’ at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada, boxing fans all over the world, especially in Canada, are still agog over the shocking stoppage win of Pacquiao in the second round," observerd Reynaldo Fortaleza, a former Asian boxing champion.

He said, "So thunderous was the one-punch demolition job of the unorthodox Filipino speedster that promoters are now busy ironing out the kinks to pave the way for the Pacquiao versus Floyd Mayweather, Jr. encounter in September or October this year."

Mayweather, the hitherto best boxer in the world pound for pound, must of course hurdle the snooty Juan Manuel Marquez on July 18 also in MGM Grand to formalize the rich Pacquiao deal. Although he has retired after a checkered career, the comebacking black assassin Mayweather is favored to put away the ambitious Marquez who will invade Mayweather’s division in the 147 lbs for the first time.

A stylish and bicycle rider, Mayweather is expected to give Pacquiao a real hell and he will never commit the same mistake made by Ricky Hatton. If Mayweather will invite Pacquiao to a dance party and the Filipino will oblige, he can outwit and out shuttle the Filipino rib cracker in 12 rounds.

Fortaleza, who lost to Hatton’s compatriot Patrick Cowdell, 4-1, in the bantam-weight Olympic quarterfinals, said most of Pacquiao’s opponents recently did not use their brains, "notably the British slugger from Manchester who made his trainer Floyd Mayweather, Sr’s blood pressure shoot up when he did not stick to the game plan, elected to slug it out with the dangerous Pacquiao and paid dearly for it."

The plot was to tire out Pacquiao in the first five rounds and lure him in the eight and nine rounds so he will lose steam. If he runs out of gas, the plan was to torpedo Pacquiao’s breadbasket to weaken his body and derail his own plan of scoring a knockout, it was learned.

"But Hatton did not study his homework. He opened the first round like a house on fire and exposed his chin like a brainless kangaroo. Pacquiao was too classy and too good to be given that kind of opportunity and so he unleashed his powerful shots and sent Hatton to canvas twice like a deck of cards," Fortaleza stressed.

"Sensing he could not reach the finish line with his main faculties intact, Hatton poured everything in the second round and ignored the warning from his seconds to just weave and boob and avoid Pacquiao’s heavy bombs.

"Before the end of the second round, Hatton went to see the stars in heaven.

"This erratic disposition will never be repeated when Pacquiao squares off with the never-say-die Mayweather. The unbeaten black wrecker knows how to put an exclamation point in his homework and he will continue to memorize the script in the ring. Pacquiao will of course pursue him in the ring like a man possessed, but Mayweather will circle him and stymie him before he could land his haymaker.

Mayweather’s size is a real advantage against the junior welterweight Pacquiao and he too packs wallop in both fists like Pacquiao.

Top Rank chief Bob Arum believes that Mayweather will dispose of Marquez on July 18 that’s why he is now busy inking the papers with the Golden Boy Promotions which is expected to co-promote the multi-million fight.

Marquez is expected to have a difficult time dealing with the slick-punching Mayweather and might lose on points if he will last the distance. An upset over Mayweather however will bring Marquez to a possible third fight against Pacquiao.

The Mexican exe-cutioner had said that he does not consider himself the best boxer in the world despite the accolades from various world boxing bodies if he can not beat Pacquiao. In his two previous battles with Pacquiao, Marquez believes that he won them all. He wants to redeem himself by facing Pacquiao in another blockbuster card and he must eliminate Mayweather who appears to be bent on dashing Marquez’s dream of a third fight against Pacquiao. /MP

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bulletin of Vacant Positions

Republic of the Philippines
Banga, Aklan

Bulletin of Vacant Positions

ASU-Kalibo Campus
Position Title : Assistant Professor II (2 positions)
Item Nos. : ASUB-AP2-28-2004
: ASUB-AP2-32-2004
Salary Grade : 16
Qualification Standards:
Education : Master’s degree in the area of specialization
Experience : 2 years of relevant experience
Training : 8 hours of relevant training
Eligibility : None required

Position Title : Assistant Professor I (3 positions)
Item Nos. : ASUB-AP1-25-2004
: ASUB-AP1-30-2004
: ASUB-AP1-36-2008
Salary Grade : 15
Qualification Standards:
Education : Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization
Experience : 1 year of relevant experience
Training : 4 hours of relevant training
Eligibility : None required

Position Title : Instructor III (7 positions)
Item Nos. : ASUB-INST3-25-2004
: ASUB-INST3-28-2004
: ASUB-INST3-35-2004
: ASUB-INST3-38-2004
: ASUB-INST3-36-2008
: ASUB-INST3-39-2008
: ASUB-INST3-41-2008
Salary Grade : 14
Qualification Standards:
Education : Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization
Experience : 1 year of relevant experience
Training : 4 hours of relevant training
Eligibility : None required
RA 1080 (For courses requiring BAR or Board Eligibility)

Position Title : Instructor II (6 positions)
Item Nos. : ASUB-INST2-27-2004
: ASUB-INST2-28-2004
: ASUB-INST2-29-2004
: ASUB-INST2-30-2004
: ASUB-INST2-36-2004
: ASUB-INST2-38-2004
Salary Grade : 13
Qualification Standards:
Education : Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization
Experience : None required
Training : None required
Eligibility : None required
Position Title : Instructor I (10 positions)
Item Nos. : ASUB-INST1-37-2002
: ASUB-INST1-38-2002
: ASUB-INST1-3-2005
: ASUB-INST1-2-2007
: ASUB-INST1-5-2007
: ASUB-INST1-6-2007
: ASUB-INST1-7-2007
: ASUB-INST1-8-2007
: ASUB-INST1-16-2007
: ASUB-INST1-18-2007
Salary Grade : 12
Qualification Standards:
Education : Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization
Experience : None required
Training : None required
Eligibility : None required
ASU – CFMS, New Washington, Aklan

Position Title : Instructor III
Item No. : ASUB-INST3-22-2004
Salary Grade : 14
Qualification Standards:
Education : Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization
Experience : 1 year of relevant experience
Training : 4 hours of relevant training
Eligibility : None required
RA 1080 (For courses requiring BAR or Board Eligibility)

Position Title : Instructor II
Item No. : ASUB-INST2-38-2008
Salary Grade : 13
Qualification Standards:
Education : Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization
Experience : None required
Training : None required
Eligibility : None required

Position Title : Instructor I
Item No. : ASUB-INST1-50-2003
Salary Grade : 12
Qualification Standards:
Education : Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization
Experience : None required
Training : None required
Eligibility : None required

Chief Administrative Officer/
VP for Administration
Madyaas Pen: May 17, 2009


Republic of the Philippines
Regional Trial Court
6th Judicial Region
Culasi, Antique

AND FROM AUGUST 23, 1952 TO AUGUST 9, 1952,

SPL. PROC. NO. 13-147



x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x


Petitioner through counsel filed a verified Petition on April 27, 2009, praying that after proper proceedings, an Order be issued directing the Local Civil Registrar of Culasi, Antique, to correct the entry in Petitioner’s Certificate of Live Birth by changing the petitioner’s name from ELENA PALANOG to ADELINA PALANOG and date of birth from August 23, 1952 to August 9, 1952.

In View Thereof, finding the Petition to be sufficient in form and substance, let the initial hearing be set on June 18, 2009 at 8:00 o’clock in the morning at the Regional Trial Court, Branch 13, Culasi, Antique, on which time, date and place, any interested person may appear and show cause why the Petition should not be granted.

Let copy of this Order be immediately published at Madyaas Pen, a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Antique for three (3) consecutive weeks at the expense of the Petitioner.

Furnish copy of this Order the Provincial Prosecutor, San Jose, Antique, the Solicitor General, counsel and petitioner.


Culasi, Antique, Philippines, May 6, 2009.

Acting Presiding Judge

Madyaas Pen: May 23 & 30 and June 5, 2009


Notice is hereby given that FRANCISCO ILEJAY, JR. and GEORGE ILEJAY who are the heirs of Flora Ilejay freely and spontaneously declare and make manifest that they are co owners of six (6) parcels of land all declared in the name of Flora Ilejay located as follows: one (1) parcel, Aliputos, Numancia; one (1) parcel, Poblacion, Numancia; three (3) parcels, Tabangka, Numancia; and one (1) parcel,Joyao-Joyao, Numancia, Aklan as per "Partition and Subdivision Agreement". The deed was executed before Notary Public Atty. Julius L. Leonida, Kalibo, Aklan on February 9, 2009 as per Doc. No. 153; Page No. 32; Book No. 46; Series of 2009.
Madyaas Pen: May 16, 23, & 30, 2009

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late CRISANTA RETAMAR ROSELO who died intestate which consist of one (1) parcel of land located in Puis, New Washington, Aklan is the subject of a "Deed of Adudication With Sale" by her only surviving heir. The deed was executed before Notary Public Liberato R. Ibadlit, Kalibo, Aklan on May 8, 2009 as per Doc. No. 481; Page No. 98; Book No. 300; Series of 2009.
Madyaas Pen: May 23 & 30, and June 6, 2009

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late EMETERIA REPIANO who died intestate which consist of one (1) parcel of land located in Puis, New Washington, Aklan is the subject of a "Deed of Adudication With Sale" by her surviving heirs. The deed was executed before Notary Public Ma. Genalyn Billones-Ibardolaza, Kalibo, Aklan on April 14, 2009 as per Doc. No. 362; Page No. 74; Book No. 3; Series of 2009.
Madyaas Pen: May 23 & 30, and June 6, 2009

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late AQUILINA IBUSCA who died intestate which consist of one (1) parcel of land located in Brgy. Carugdog, Lezo, Aklan is the subject of a "Deed of Adudication With Partition" by her surviving heirs. The deed was executed before Notary Public Wilbert Ariel Igoy, Kalibo, Aklan on March 10, 2009 as per Doc. No. 294; Page No. 60; Book No. 43; Series of 2009.
Madyaas Pen: May 23 & 30, and June 6, 2009

DA Holds Annual Meeting On Rice Varietal Improvement

by Lester Mark P. Carnaje

A farmer in Aklan separating the grains of rice from its impurities .

The Department of Agriculture (DA) in an annual meeting on Rice Varietal Improvement Group held last month discussed efforts of improving the rice self-sufficiency of the country.

The 15 representatives from state universities and colleges (SUCs) and top private companies that are active on rice programs such as Bayer Crop Science, Hyrice, Bioseed Research Phil. Inc., Pionner, SL Agritech and Syngenta joined the meeting.

Dr. Eulito U. Bautista, Deputy Executive Director of Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), along with representatives of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), and the Inter-national Rice Research Institute (IRRI) presented and discussed the latest rice technology the country is currently undertaking.

The meeting also highlighted reports on new rice variety, yield performance, hybrid rice, as well as on insect screening, disease screening and grain quality.

Dr. Cora Arroyo, Agricultural Center Chief of the Western Visayas Agricultural Research Center (WESVIARC) discussed the results of the test of latest rice variety and approved the release of these rice varieties in the market. She explained that SUC’s and DA offices tested the new rice breed developed by UPLB,


Dr. Larry P. Nacionales, Regional Executive Director of DA-6 was the guest speaker which message focused on the theme "Energizing Research, Development and Extension Partnership for Rice Self-Sufficiency."

The DA-Regional Field Unit 6 and the WESVIARC hosted the annual meeting.

The participants also visited the Garin Farm of the Philippine Coconut Authority Chairman Oscar Garin Sr. in Guimbal, Iloilo, and the facilities and fisheries technology of the Southeast Asian Fisheries and Development Center in Tigbauan, Iloilo. /MP

Maximum Spending For 2010 Prexy Is P600 Million

Sen. Chiz Escudero said last week that anyone candidate who spends more than P600 million in the presidential election in 2010 will be violating the law.

He reiterated, he does not intend to spend more than what is stated in the law should he decides to run for president in 2010.

"The law says one can spend only P10 per voter. If there are 40 million voters, then one needs P400 million. The party can contribute another P200 million. Thus, spending beyond that would be a violation," he stressed during the ANC Leadership Forum last week.

Time for Youth to Take Charge of Country Sen. Chiz Escudero last week said it is time for the youth to take charge of government so it can lead in the transformation of the Philippines.

"Like the generations before us, today’s youth must accept the challenge of slaying the monsters of corruption, poverty, and injustice that have terrorized us for so long," he said in a statement issued during last week ANC Leadership Forum.

The 39-year old lawyer-politician said his "critics have harped on his being the youngest presidentiable to dismiss a possible bid in the 2010 elections."

"The youth have proven themselves capable since the founding of the First Republic. We will listen to the counsel of our elders as we embark on this difficult journey to change this nation," Escudero said.

He considers his youth as his main strength since most of the voters in the coming polls belong to the 18-40 age bracket.

Organized by the ABS-CBN News Channel and the Ateneo School of Government, the event featured one-on-one interviews and an open forum that guested Escudero and four other presidentiables.

Chiz Backs Probe Into Corruption Allegations Vs Arroyo Sen. Chiz Escudero said he will support an investigation into the corruption allegations against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and her family if he became president.
"When I was minority leader in the House of Representatives, we tried twice to hold President Arroyo accountable for allegations raised in the impeachment complaints," he said during the ANC Leadership Forum last Monday, May 11.

"My position then was the people must know the truth and that the wheels of justice should spare no one, not even the President," said Escudero who was among five presidentiables who accepted the invitation to the forum.
The 39-year old lawyer-politician, a member of the Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC), has said he will announce his decision to run for the presidency when he turns 40 on October 10.

Asked what he thought was Arroyo’s positive contribution to the country, Escudero described her as "a negative example for she aroused the people’s love of country because of the flagrant violations of the law and the abuses of her administration".

"She has so angered Filipinos that they are now seriously looking at whom to choose as our next leader, and to actively participate in the coming elections," he added.

Escudero has surged in ratings in the latest Social Weather Station and Pulse Asia surveys, securing a virtual tie for the top spot with Vice President Noli de Castro, Sen. Manny Villar, and Sen. Loren Legarda. /MP

Friday, May 15, 2009

Living With Dignity

The new manager of the Philippine Air Lines, Kalibo Branch, Mr. Victor S. Reyes highly deserves Aklanon’s warm welcome to Kalibo. He has been employed by the Philippine Air Lines for over 26 years. After serving for six (6) years in General Santos City, he was transferred to Kalibo. He officially started his managerial position in PAL Kalibo on April 1, 2009.

His movement to Kalibo seems like a good omen when on April 12, two employees of JO – CAAP (Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines), Kalibo Inter-national Airport (KIA) turned over a black wallet that they found during their routine job inside the pre-departure area. The wallet was turned over to SPO3 Hansel L. Quinesio, KIA securit duty team leader.

On verification, the owner of the wallet was identified as James Allen Tobojka, passenger of PAL flight PR-324 bound for Manila. SPO3 Quinesio wasted no time. He coordinated with Mr. Victor Reyes, PAL – Kalibo station manager, who in turn immediately sent a telex message to PAL Manila to locate and inform Mr. Tobojka of his wallet. Meanwhile, the wallet and all its contents were inventoried and turned over again to Mr. Reyes in the presence of CAAP-manager, Engr. Percival Malonesio. The said wallet was flown to Manila via PAL flight PR 326.

When asked how she felt about finding the wallet, Mrs. Gumban and her colleague felt they were quite shocked to see so much money. But their first thought was, "whoever lost that wallet must be frantic". They just wanted the owner to know that his property was safe. Using their initiative, they reported their finding to the airport authority, and the matter was dealt with, without further delay.

Asked how she felt when she learned about the reward, her reply was really touching. "I was very proud to be recognized as an honest person. I never thought I will receive any remuneration for returning what is not mine. I have always turned over any item that the passengers left or lost that we found before. But this is the first time that we were given recognition for being honest".

"The award of recognition that Governor Marquez bestowed upon us is more than money can buy because that recognition will stay with me for life. I am grateful to Mr. Tobojka for the reward he gave Randy and me. It will help both my family and me a lot. I will do the same again if a similar incident happened," assured Gumban.

Randy Encabo was not available during the interview, but people who knew what he did said that they were proud of their co workers, and that they are fine examples to all of the workers about the importance of self respect.

Another person acknowledged for her honesty is Mrs. Erlinda Luna, also an employee of JO CAAP. She turned over a white wallet with black stripe she found in the toilet while doing her routine job in the pre departure ladies comfort room. The wallet contained cash together with credit cards.

With the assistance of SPO1 Johnny N. Lozada, the owner of the wallet was identified as Ms. Pamela Valencia Legion. When asked why she had returned the wallet, her reply was: "I was very concerned for the person who lost it. It is a good feeling when I know I have done something good for other people. When my conscience is clear, I can hear my heart sings. I thank the Lord that He has used me as His instrument to set an example to others who do not understand the importance of honesty." /MP

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Akelco Intermittent Power Supply
Mr. Chito Peralta, general manager of Akelco has written Engr. Rey H. Jaleco of the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines. He requested formal explanation or justifications of the intermittent power supply in the afternoon of May 8. The answer of Engr. Jaleco on the matter will be disseminated to the consumer-members of Akelco as soon as received.

According to Peralta, Akelco has received numerous complaints especially from Boracay Island. "In effect, some of our valuable electrical appliances were instantly damage", Peralta told Jaleco, "As confirmed by incoming voltage readings at our substations, this irregularity is caused by voltage sags and swells at our sub-transmission lines," Peralta wrote further.

This writer cong-ratulates Gen. Manager Peralta for asking "formal explanation or justifications" of the intermittent power supply. It is my expectation that Akelco will request explanations for negative things happening for the better education and fitting action of Akelco and its consumer-members.

Government Trick

One of the tricks the government utilizes is deception. It announces something government offices will do to convince the community people their government is doing well.

On March 4, 2009, Asst. Ombudsman – Visayas, Virginia Palanca-Santiago created the Oplan Red Plate Task Force. This task force as supposed to implement Administrative Order (AO) No. 239 of the President of the Philippines signed on Sept. 15, 2008. This AO "prohibits the use of government vehicles for purposes other than official business." Palanca – Santiago vowed to support the Oplan Red Plate through "Aggressive" implementation.

She conducted a one day orientation/briefing of the Task Force on March 13 in Iloilo City. The Task Force is composed of six government agencies which are the: 1) Ombudsman, 2) Land Transportation Office, 3) Philippine Information Agency, 4) Commission on Audit, 5. Philippine National Police, and 6) Civil Service Commission.

Kapehan Sa Aklan featured Oplan Red Plate on its March 28 discussion, a gesture of Aklan Tri-media members to assist in the implementation. Dir. Evelyn Ejar of the Civil Service Commission, Ms. Venus Villanueva of PIA, and Mr. Valtimore Conanan of the Land Transportation Office were invited guests resource persons. They discussed the plan and mechanics of implementation.

Mr. Jose C. Cabarles, State Auditor V, wrote "regretfully I cannot come…due to previous commitment". His attendance "to that program requires authority from the Honorable Chairman, this Commission".

Wow, here is a COA personnel who is impeded to attend a media forum to discuss a government program information campaign. This is censorship and a restraint to a provision of the constitution on "the right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized". This prior approval is serving as obstruction of progress.

But where is the Oplan Red Plate? Administrative Order No. 239 was issued as a trick. Going around town, just watch and tally government vehicles without the required markings vis-à-vis "For Official Use Only". Just stand-by the roadside and count the vehicles passing by on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and after office hours.

How can a government whose legitimacy is being questioned compelled officials and employees implement or obey the laws?

A Great lover

Great lover is my introduction message of the guest of honor and speaker, Governor Carlito S. Marquez during the Recognition/Awarding Ceremonies held on May 14, Capt. Mijares Bldg., XIX Martyrs St., Kalibo, Aklan sponsored by the Philippine National Red Cross, Aklan Chapter. Here is my introduction message.

"Ms. Arcely Pelayo, our Provincial Administrator, PNRC, Aklan Chapter assigned me a task I heartily love to comply with, to introduce to you our guest of honor and speaker. It is my joy to learn and relate to you the sterling character and great achievement of a great guest and speaker.

Nevertheless, I found my job difficult because our guest of honor is very familiar to all of us. He needs no introduction. His life is like an open book which everybody has read and understood.

He is a man often quoted for his popular admonition: "Owat tawong gina gaid sa kapobrehon".

Whenever he delivers a speech, our guest has popularized the use in his salutation: "Hi…! Helloo…!"

Our guest this morning is a great lover. He loves Aklanons, Ms. Marquez, and his mother. In any gatherings, where he delivers message, our guest always greets Ms. Marquez.

In the recent May 10 "Mother’s Day" comme-moration, he exhibited his greatest love, love of mother. During his radio interview I listened at RGMA-DYRU with Kaibahang Butz in "Ilitsahan", he was very emotional in citing the qualities and desirable virtues of his mother in upbringing of an honorable man, now popularly known as the Provincial Governor of Aklan, Governor Carlito S. Marquez.

For his love of us, Governor Marquez is providing an annual appropriation of P500,000 to the PNRC, Aklan chapter. He authorized the financing of the construction of the new Red Cross building, and partly financed the construction of the Blood Bank Bldg.

Moreover, he approved, through the provincial engineer, Engr. Victory Fernandez the use of the Aklan provincial vehicles to transport materials being used for the construction of shelter project for flood victims of typhoon Frank. He also approved pay-ments for blood processing fees of indigent patients which for the last four years totalled 565 units valued at 842,500.00 pesos.

As far as the Red Cross is concerned, these favorable actions of our guest of honor and speaker are monumental demonstration of his love for his people specifically the Aklanons. Like him, let us love our people so as to liberate them from the bondage of poverty.

Fellow Red Crossers, let us warmly and heartily welcome our guest of honor and speaker, Gov. Carlito S. Marquez. /MP

Outstanding Aklanon for Science and Technology

Behind a successful man is a great woman!
Engr. Jonathan Salvador with wife Audrey.

Engr. Jonathan Salvador poses four souvenir photo with his families, relatives, friends
and fellow Rotarians.

With Aklan Governor Carlito S. Marquez.
With Aklan Vice Governor Gabrielle V. Calizo