Friday, December 01, 2006

Entrepreneurial Farmer

By Ambrosio R. Villorente

The Stubborn Congressmen

For the period September 20 to October 21, 2006, our electric consumption was 123 kwh. For this quantity, Akelco billed me and I paid P899.15. By dividing P899.15 by 123 kwh, a kwh cost P7.31 which I readily paid.
For the period October 20 to November 20, 2006, Akelco billed me P1,1985.73 for 144 kwh consumed. When I divided P1,185.73 by 144 kwh used, it gave me P8.2342 which is the cost of one kwh. Comparing the September – October electricity cost of P7.31 per kwh to the October – November bill of P8.2342 per kwh, the latest bill is higher by P0.9242 per kwh or 13 percent.
Akelco Board and Management, inspite of the case in court, the request of the local government officials and the consumer members request to postpone the charging of electric rate increases are very deaf to hear the clamour, protest and request.
Perhaps, Akelco has gone bankrupt that it may stop operations without the increase rate. Financial report of Akelco for the September 2006 operation shows it has an P8 million loss. The income was so small than the cost of energy purchased and the cost of distribution.
In the previous months, Akelco management claimed Akelco belonged to class A plus. Today, Akelco slid to class B.
So I cannot be a party to its bankruptcy, I’ll pay my power bill. I’ll pay it "under protest" because the EPPA with Global Business Power Corporation is under protest.
The stubbornness of the majority
The administration congressmen had proposed to postpone the May 2007 election to November 2007. This is illegal and immoral.
If the election is postponed, the incumbent officials’ term of office including that of the congressmen will be extended by six months. Hence, immoral because they will personally benefit directly out of their action and not the general public. It is illegal as it is a violation of some provisions in the Philippine Constitution.
How will they do it? From December 4 – 15, the congressmen will constitute themselves into an interim parliament until November 2007. They will postpone the May 2007 election to give way to amend the constitution by constituting congress into a constituent assembly to draft proposal for the amendment of the constitution.
Will the Senators allow this? It is very doubtful. Will the Supreme Court of the Philippines side with the congressmen when the case is brought to the Supreme Court? So highly improbable.
According to the administration congressmen, they will adopt the French model of Parliamentary System of Government. If this is pushed through, the presidency of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is assured for life. The president of France is the most powerful official of that country.
Since the 1960s until today, there are only two presidents. President Charles de Gaule was replaced by President Jacque Cerac after de Gaule died. Until today, Cerac is still the president of France with vast powers.
Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo has allowed tricycles from Banga, New Washington and Numancia to enter Poblacion, Kalibo. For what reasons? Maybe he has reasons we still do not know. Rebaldo’s action is appreciated by tricycle drivers and maybe commuters.
But is it good for Kalibonhons? Maybe good if they will travel to Banga, New Washington or Numancia. However, on the whole, it has worsen the traffic situation in Poblacion, Kalibo by way of congestion, noise and air pollutions. These are just actual observations of one who frequents Kalibo.
It maybe a good proposal if the Kalibo traffic management group could visit Iloilo City and study the traffic management program of and its implementation in Iloilo City. How does Mayor TreƱas compel passenger utility vehicles to unload and load passengers outside of Iloilo City? /

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