Sunday, April 06, 2008

EDITORIAL - March 27 – April 5, 2008

Our God Is God Who Saves*
*Testimonial Dinner speech of His Excellency, Bishop Romeo O. Lazo in honor of Roy Mabasa, President of the National Press Club of the Philippines, Isagani Yambot, Publisher of the Phil. Daily Inquirer, Juan P. Dayang, President, PAPI, members, Aklan Press Club, Inc., and Aklan Media Forum held on March 23, 2008.

Brothers and sisters in the Risen Lord, a Joyful EASTER!
It is good that we are gathered here this evening because I have something very important to announce to you. Since you are media practitioners, it is in your area of competence that this Good News is brought to you. The Good News is: the LORD IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! What does it mean to each of us gathered here tonight? What does it mean to our country?
During the Easter Vigil, last night the last verse of the Gospel tells us, “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me”, Yes the Good News cannot be contained; it has to be spread without fear.
The Popes find the Communication Media very important in their statements:
1. The Church not only approves, but also nourishes a great hope for the Communications Media if they are used in conformity with the providential design of God and with proper respect for the dignity of man. The Church holds in highest esteem all those who contribute to radio, television, Films or Press; 2. The Church has a particular and vigilant care for the reader, listener and the spectator, to help him react in a Christian way to the Communications Media; 3. The Church, always prompt to serve the men in the concrete circumstance of their lives is convinced of the possibility of fulfilling her peaceful but efficacious role in the solution of the religious, moral and social problems that are daily being created by the Communications Media.
All of us accepts the importance of Communications Media in our country and in our day to day life. Gaps have been bridged by Media. News has been brought to our homes by the Media sometimes instantaneously. We know what’s happening in the world or in our country. We grieved when we listen and see the destruction and death caused by fire, flood, typhoon, and landslide. We open our hands and hearts to aid them, offer our prayers, and give our moral, material and financial support. We rejoiced when Pacquiao won the boxing match or others who brought medals from their feats victories. We become worried and at times, angry when our freedom of expression is curtailed, when our dignity as a human being is trampled, when we become a number rather than an individual person, when money is kept by a few and not flowing to the poor.
All men of goodwill, then, are impelled to work together to ensure that the media of communication do in fact contribute to the pursuit of truth and the speeding up of progress. Since it is man himself who decides how the available means of communication shall be used, the moral principles at issue here are those based on a true interpretation of the dignity of man.
Communications are all those who actively employ the media. They have a duty in conscience to make themselves competent in the art of social communication in order to be effective in their work.
Recipients are those who, for their own purpose, read, listen to or view the various media. Everything possible should be done to enable these to know about the media, so they will be able to interpret their message accurately, to reap their benefit in full and play their part in the life of society. The total output of the media in any given area should be judged by the contribution it makes to the common good.
Every communication must comply with certain essential requirements and these are sincerity, honesty and truthfulness. A communication must state the truth. It must accurately reflect the situation with all its implications. The moral worth and validity of any communication do not be solely in its theme or intellectual content. The way it is presented, the way in which it is spoken and treated and even the audience for which it is designed – all these factors must be taken into account.

Decline In Moral Standard

It is obvious that there has been a decline in moral standard in many areas of life today and this decline is the cause of profound concern to all honest men and women. The means of social communication are a public forum where every man and woman may exchange ideas. The public expression and the confrontation of different opinions that occur within this dialogue influence and enrich the development of society and further its progress.
Public opinion is an essential expression of human nature organized in a society. Hence, it is essential that there be freedom to express ideas and attitudes. Vat II says that it is necessary unequivocally to declare that freedom of speech for individuals and groups must be permitted so long as the common good and public morality be not endangered. Communications have a most important part to play in forming public opinion. They have to gather up different views, compare them and transmit them so that people can understand and make a proper decision.
If public opinion is to be formed in a proper manner, it is necessary that the public be given free access both the sources and channels of information and be allowed freely to express its own views. Freedom of opinion and the right to be informed go hand in hand.
Those whose job is to give news have a most difficult and responsible role to play. They face formidable obstacles which will sometimes include persons interested in concealing the truth. The Church condemns the use of violence against newsmen or against anyone in any way involved in the passing on of news.
Communicators must give news that is quick, complete and comprehensible. Media is in the service of Truth, the dignity of Man and public Interest.
the Resurrection of Jesus means that there is so much hope for us in this country. Looking back at the readings of Easter vigil, there is reason why we cannot lose hope. Abraham has his back on the wall when God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Who will fulfill the promise that he will be the Father of Nations when his only son will be sacrificed? Abraham believed and obeyed. God intervened and saved Isaac. The Israelites had their backs on the wall, cannot cross the Red Sea and the soldiers of Pharaoh were closing in on them. God intervened, opened the sea and the Israelites walked on dry land and the soldiers drowned. Many other stories affirm and confirm God’s mighty hand in the economy of salvation.
Today, more than ever, we just have to believe that God is very much present in the situation of our country. The Communications media can do their share and other sectors of our society. It is not hopeless case. It is painful and sad, anger, disillusionment, cynicism are present. We continue our vigilance until such time. His time, we will know. We just have to believe that the Resurrection comes after Good Friday. In the end, goodness will triumph, truth will come out. We should not put limits to the possibilities of God. Our human ways are not God’s ways. For all we know, He might catch us by surprise. Let us not lose hope. Our God is God who saves. /MP

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