Monday, August 04, 2008

ASU holds Seminar on Disaster Risk Management and Rehabilitation Operation

The Aklan State University (ASU) held a Seminar on Disaster Risk Management and Rehabilitation Operation on July 22, 2008. Some 150 participants from the five campuses of the University, Aklan Philippine National Police and broadcast media participated.
Ms. Merlie B. Mendoza, a Humanitarian and Advocate of Human Security was one of the resource speakers. She commended the University for initiating the seminar, one of the mitigating measures in times of disaster. The University has an important role to play, since it is an agricultural University, and the farmers are one of the mostly affected sectors, Mendoza pointed out. One of the mechanisms to reach them is through the expertise of the faculty members and students who are teaching and studying agriculture. The farmers must be educated on climate change adaptation.
She added that the disaster that happened in Aklan will most likely happen again. She emphasized that we must prepare for natural disasters which are inevitable, wherein it is an opportunity for the Aklanons to join hands and a great challenge we must respond.
Another speaker, Mr. Jemy Lao See, is an Aklanon. He is former Philippine Tourism Attaché in Taiwan, Chairman of Bicol Disaster Management, and presently connected with Hawaii Tourism. Lao See stressed that everyone must be well prepared for any disaster that almost certainly will happen anytime any place. He added that the means of communication must be established, the people must listen to the warnings from the experts on any disaster that might occur, and volunteers must be trained on how to respond.
During an interview over DYMT Community Radio last week, Ms. Mendoza is very hopeful that the Aklanons could recover. She suggested that the members of Civil Society Organizations must work hand in hand and find solution. She pointed out the important role of the community radio in informing the people.
Mr. Lao See pointed to the different sectors of the community which must be trained on how to prepare and deal with any disaster.
"Everyone must take part in taking care of the environment – beginning from the household chores, to the workplace and everywhere", she stressed. (SRVillasis, ASU-ECS). /MP

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