Saturday, October 11, 2008

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Alejandro Revestir Torrea, Sr.*

Alejandro Revester Torrea, Sr. was an educator, a local legislator,
farmer and fisherfolks leader.
"God’s Finger Touched Him and He Slept."
That is Alejandro R. Torrea, Sr., very near to our God.
Alejandro R. Torrea, Sr. is so great a man who left this world to join his Creator. To his relatives, friends and associates, he was fondly called Ale.
The moment a man is born into this world, he begins to die. For the end is linked to the beginning. The cry of the baby at the crib leads to an inevitable path – the grave.
It is said that there is a curious paradox which no one can explain. Who can explain the secret of the reaping of the grain? Who can explain dry season after wet season’s laboring pain? Or why must we all die in order to grow again?
Alejandro R. Torrea, Sr., one of the Aklanon achievers, elected to the Lezo Sangguniang Bayan (1992-1995), a pillar of education and farming was gone – from earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, is sure and certain hopes of the resurrection.
In Manong Ale’s time, he was a great educator, having retired as district supervisor where he spent the best years of his life and greatly for the Aklanon youth. But I will deal with things he did after his retirement from DepEd.
He was elected chairman of the Municipal Agricultural and Fishery Council (MAFC) of Lezo. Finding him with drive and vigor, MAFC chairmen from all towns of Aklan elected him chairman of Aklan Provincial Agricultural and Fishery Council. And they elected the best and right person for the job. For in his watch, Lezo MAFC was recognized Most Outstanding MAFC of Aklan. In the 1989-1990 search for the achievers, PAFC Aklan was awarded 2nd Place in Region VI.
It was at the time of the chairmanship of Manong Ale when Aklan PAFC was granted a prawn hatchery laboratory worth P500,000.00 by DA Sec. Dominguez. Due to some problems of the prawn industry in Aklan, that laboratory was put up and analyzed two samples of prawn fries, then closed up. Almost all the equipments of that laboratory was utilized not for the purposes it was granted. Some valuable equipment like microscope was lent outside and never recovered. Manong Ale did not stay long as PAFC chair to implement the prawn laboratory project.
Manong Ale, a dear personal friend, was instrumental in projects for the development of farm families. He initiated the duck project, swine dispersal, cattle/carabao, tree planting, establishment of plant nurseries among others. He initiated the eradication of rats and golden kuhol, especially in the rice fields. Manong Ale campaigned for the establishment of backyard vegetable gardens in every house. He led in the celebration of nutrition program and agro industrial fair and exhibits.
To Manong Ale, education is a continuous process. He participated in all seminars, congresses, conferences, and meetings to update himself in agricultural development.
Daniel Webster, a great American orator and statesman rightly said: "One may live as a conqueror, a king or a magistrate but he must die a man. The bed of death brings every human being to his pure individuality to the intense contemplation of that deepest and most solemn of all relations - - the relation between the creature and his Creator."
In the words of Rabindranath Tagore, he said: "Death is not extinguishing the light. It is putting away the lamp because the dawn has come.
Death is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity. So it is for Alejandro R. Torrea, Sr. who now rests in the loving bosom of his Creator.
To Alejandro R. Torrea, Sr.’s dearest ones, to his beloved wife, children, his in-laws, grandchildren, his siblings, nephews and nieces, friends, and relatives, our manifestation of deepest sympathy and condolence, and this prayer:
"Now the laborer’s task is over; Now the battle day is past; Now upon the farther shore, Lands the voyager at last; Father, in thy gracious keeping; Leave we now thy servant sleeping."
From my family and my own and in the name of the officers and members of the Provincial Agricultural and Fishery Council of Aklan, to the family of the late Alejandro R. Torrea, Sr., our sincere condolences.
*Eulogy delivered in honor of the late ALEJANDRO R. TORREA, SR. held in the parish of St. isidore The Farmer, Lezo, Aklan in the afternoon, October 8, 2008. /MP

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