Friday, October 31, 2008


By: Clouds S. Lunn

The Infant Jesus Academy celebrated United Nations 2008 with the theme: “ONE WORLD FOR MARY”, last October 25, 2008 at the Infant Jesus Academy school campus, Kalibo, Aklan.

The celebration’s made it possible thru the collective efforts of the IJAians students, Teachers and the IJA Kalibo Family Council, led by Honorable Soviet Dela Cruz as the president. The students transformed their classrooms into microcosm or miniatures of selected nations from different parts of the world like France, Egypt, Japan and Mexico, among others. Others presented dances of different countries like Cyprus, India, Bangladesh, Iran, China, Egypt, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Brazil, Japan, Jamaica, Hawaii, U.S.A, Germany, Philippines, Malaysia, Hungary, Spain and Argentina.

According to Ms. Karina Garcia Mallonga, the school’s Administrator, “the students have done extensive research on the countries assigned to them. The highs school students studied the different aspects of the culture of their assigned countries, and in doing so this brings them to a closer understanding of other people.”

During her welcome remarks why she chose the theme ONE WORLD FOR MARY, Mrs. Mallonga shared, “I hope to convince all of us that the peoples of the world may be united in the Blessed Mother. She is our strongest advocate, and if we continue praying for intercession, I firmly believe that God will grant our prayers for understanding, peace, and unity among the nations of the world.”

Mrs. Mallonga was dressed as a Malaysian woman during the program. She chose the costume to emphasize that in observing UN Week, we are also celebrating world peace and unity, and that as Catholics, we pray for one, united world under the special protection of our Blessed Mother. Moreover, by wearing the costume, she simply explained that, “we regard Islam as a world that is diametrically opposite Christianity. Many of us may be surprised to learn that Muslims love Mary, the mother of Jesus. In their holy book, the Q’uran, a whole chapter is devoted to the Blessed Virgin whom they call MARIAM. The Virgin Mary plays a very significant role in the Islamic faith. She is an example and a sign for all people.”

Some outputs of the students like paintings, murals and art works were collaborative efforts of students and teachers that are exhibit all around the walls inside the school building.

The IJA Kalibo Family Council even presented a dance number and the program ended with everyone in costume including teachers singing, WE ARE THE WORLD!

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