Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dr. Beato De la Cruz – Outstanding Educator, Imminent Writer and Man of Letters*

*Speech former Assemblyman Jose "Soñing" Tumbokon delivered at the book launching of a book written by Dr. Beato de la Cruz, Kalibo, Aklan, February 21, 2009
It is most gratifying that you have invited me as guest speaker on this auspicious day of your launching of a book authored by Dr. Beato de la Cruz. Dr. Beato de la Cruz has an indelible imprint of great impact to my life.

Where I succeeded most, I had early mentorship from him. In July 1983, I was at the United Nations Head-quarters in New York City, USA, where, as Philippine Minister of State for Public Information, I was Head Philippine Delegate to the UN Committee on Public Information. For my representations, I received letters of congratulations for excellent and exemplary performance from no less than General Carlos P. Romulo, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, and from UN Undersecretary – General for Public Information Nobushi Akashi for "your language of beauty and wisdom which will be a source of inspiration to the Youth of the World for many years to come."

Dr. Beato de la Cruz was my instructor in English and Literature from my second year high school until I graduated from my secondary course. Those were three solid years of focus in my studies which to me was a fruitful lifetime – a complete departure from my cavalier attitude in school. Dr. Beato had a kind of contaminating focus that engrossed me in literature such that at that early stage of my schooling, I used to peruse in the library volumes of the Harvard Classic edition on the essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In short, Dr. Beato dela Cruz was my principal guiding light, a brilliant one, in my search for knowledge and facility in the use of the English language, oral or written.

And I am sure he was the most luminous light for Manang Susing, Guidon, and the rest of the expanded de la Cruz clan. Dr. Beato de la Cruz had his durable imprint not only on my person but upon the lives of a generation of Aklanons who underwent penitential tutelage from him in his English and Literature classes and also from his administration of the DepEd (MECS at the time) Aklan Division of Schools as its Division Schools Superintendent. Even with his high professional standing and intellectual superiority, he had an insatiable thirst for more knowledge. He continued schooling not only for a Master’s Degree in English and Literature but until he was conferred a Doctorate Degree in Education.

Today, as we launch his book, we are offering for readership, an endearing memento of his handiwork as a dis-tinguished man of letters, principally to a generation of Aklanons who learned good English from his teachings, and to one and all, who have consummate passion for the English Literature. His memo-rabilia deserves to be preserved for this and the next generation to appreciate and reflect on as it carry the essence of his struggles and successes, his character and integrity, and mirrors his intellectual supremacy.

Before the summit of his public career came, through his brother in law, Dr. Ciriaco Icamina, a close friend of mine (may he rest in peace), I had encouraged Dr. Beato de la Cruz to aspire for a higher position in the DepEd, (MECS at the time) where I can be of help, as he was highly qualified for say, the Presidency of a State University or an equivalent position of higher rank. Dr. Beato de la Criz opted to be closer to his family and to serve directly the people of Aklan, where his umbilical cord has been treasured in the bosom of the earth of his place of birth. He settled for the position of Division Superintendent of Schools for Aklan. For him, to serve the people of Aklan was his first and non-negotiable priority.

And so, today, as we celebrate the launching of his book, let is reflect on his sacrificial struggles and the many triumphs he achieved over the endless humps of hardships and adversities and on his successes in evolving a way of life, upgraded and decent, untainted and pristine, immersed in hardwork, honesty and integrity, and anchored upon a stable and well-provided foundation in education for the success of his family. Manang Susing, and the rest of the expanded de la Cruz clan can rest with pride and satisfaction from the many laurels, achievements and distinctions that Dr. Beato de la Cruz deservedly earned in his lifetime.

I can only express profound thanks and gratitude to a great mentor, an educator par excellence, who helped pave the way for the modest successes that I achieved in my prime of life. Dr. Beato de la Cruz, outstanding educator, imminent and prolific writer and highly respected man of letters, truly deserve all the honors, awards and distinctions that will come by until eternity!

Good day! /MP

1 comment:

  1. To (former) Assemblyman Jose "Soning" Tumbokon:


    Thank you so much for your very kind words and thoughts in your speech delivered at the book launching of "THIS BE OUR WORLD" . . . by my late father, Dr. Beato Aguirre Dela Cruz of Kalibo, Philippines.

    This is indeed a very memorable event for my mother, Josefina Icamina Dela Cruz, and my sisters and brothers. We really appreciate your generosity, thoughtfulness, support and kindness you have extended to our family at the recent book launching at "Museo It Akean" in Kalibo.

    Best regards.
    Jo-Aida Celeste (Toronto)
