Sunday, February 22, 2009

Evasion of Paying Docking Fee At Caticlan Pier

by Morris Morier
This is an incident where every person commuting on a pump-boat or any other sea faring vessel should take note especially at the embarkation/disembar-kation point at Caticlan. Take note Coast Guard, the proper authority to take immediate action on the matter stated below.

On my return trip to Aklan from Looc, Tablas, Romblon on Saturday, February 7, 2009, the ferry–M/V Alad left Looc Pier as scheduled at approximately 10:00 o’clock in the morning. The boarding process at Looc Pier was orderly and conducted with safety where a gang-plank was in place.

The boat ride was pleasant though some passengers were smoking in the cabin as there was neither ‘No Smoking’ sign, nor did any of the crew members stop the smoking.

On approaching Caticalan, the sea in this area was rather rough. At 12.30 o’clock in the afternoon, the boat stopped and anchored off at about 80-100 meters from the shore. Approxi-mately 60 passengers with luggages and some with children began to scramble to the side waiting for a ferry to take them to shore. Three flat bottom boats manned by two men each with oars came alongside and immediately passengers clambered down to these boats without any floatation/lifesaving devices. Half way to the shore, the boatmen stopped and started collecting ten 10 pesos from each passenger. Each boat was carrying 12-15 persons and luggages. The displacement of the boat and sea was only about eight inches.

The reason for this action according to the boatmen is that the pump-boat from Looc, Romblon has no permit to dock at the Caticlan Port. It is hard to envisage a pump-boat with a seating capacity of 120 passengers, navigate the sea with no required permit to dock at Caticlan Port and endanger the safety of its passengers. Is it because they refuse to pay the port fees? That it is more lucrative to send passengers to shore in this dangerous manner? Whatever the reason, the passengers will be the victims.

In the event of a tragedy, who will be responsible? How can the victims be compensated? Motor vehicles have insurances as required by law, do these flat bottomed boats operating within the jurisdiction and watch of our Coast Guards have any such insurances?

The authorities must not wait for a tragedy to happen. They must take action immediately to provide safe sea travel to our people. Apprehend and impound the boats that flout the law especially when they put their passengers in danger. /MP

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