Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gulayan Sa Paaralan Alleviates Malnutrition State

by James Earl E. Ogatis

Photo above shows Ms. Pacita Hosenilla, District Supervisor of Belison, Antique explaining the benefits and implementation scheme of Gulayan sa Paaralan project to media.

"I am happy to tell that the implementation of Gulayan sa Paaralan at Belison Elementary School (BES) greatly helps in the alleviation of children’s nutritional status and malnutrition problem in our school" said Ms. Pacita Hosenilla, the Belison District Supervisor, Belison, Antique.

Ms. Hosenilla observed that there is increase in weight of the identified undernourish group of children who have availed of their feeding program from June to December 2008.

The vegetables harvested were incor-porated by the Human Ecology (HE) teacher-in-charged for feeding identified undernourished children of the school three times a week. Some surplus vegetables produced are being sold to teachers and parents at a minimum cost.

The BES devoted an area of 2,000 square meters for Gulayan sa Paaralan project which is planted of pinakbet vegetables like squash, pole sitao, ampalaya, okra, and eggplant. The seeds came from Department of Agriculture.

"We are lucky at BES because the local government unit of Belison, Antique provided us with additional fund for fencing the garden area and two gardeners who do watering, weeding and care of plants everyday," added Ms. Hosenilla.

The Gulayan sa Paaralan program is implemented by the Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the identified partici-pating schools by the Department of Education. It aims to mitigate hunger incidence in the province of Antique identified as priority in Western Visayas.

Other DA’s intervention in the implementation of GPP are the provision of vegetable seeds, organic fertilizers and technical trainings on the target beneficiaries. /MP

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