Sunday, February 22, 2009

Health Advisory

Mold Poses: New Health Hazard After Flooding
by Alex P. Vidal
New York - Homes affected by recent flooding could end up as havens of viruse that would endanger the household members’ health if not immediately checked.

The Washington States Department of Health’s Division of Environmental Health expressed this fear after it was reported that some of these homes "could be harboring mold."

"Mold can be a significant problem after flooding. Proper cleanup is critical to ensure that it does not affect you or your family’s health," said Laura White, the department’s public health advisor.

She said, care must be taken to clean and completely dry any areas of the home that have gotten wet from floodwaters to prevent structural damage and adverse health effects from mold.

Federal government coordinating officer Willie Nunn, meanwhile, said "People are anxious to get on with their lives after a flood, but if you had flood waters in your home take the time to clean thoroughly so problems don’t arise later that affect your home or your health."

Mold growth is reportedly a common occurrence in flood-damaged homes and damp environments.

Health authorities warned that mold could become a problem in your home if there is enough moisture available to allow mold to thrive and multiply. Dampness in basements, walls, carpets, and wood provides an environment for mold to flourish.

Mold is made up of simple microscopic organisms that are found virtually everywhere. It can often be seen in the form of discoloration, ranging from white to orange and from green to brown and black, and gives off a musty or earthy smell.

Health authorities added that "exposure to mold can cause health problems. Infants, children, immune-compromised patients, pregnant women, individuals with existing respiratory conditions, (allergies, multiple chemical sensitivity, and asthma) and the elderly appear to be at higher risks for adverse health effects from mold."

Health symptoms known to be associated with exposure to mold include nose and throat irritation, wheeze, cough, asthma attacks in individuals who have asthma, and lower respiratory tract infections (in children). People with pre-existing respiratory conditions may be susceptible to more serious lung infections.

Below are cleanup tips given by the Federal Emergency Management Agency:

1. Throw out things that can’t be washed and disinfected (mattresses, carpeting, rugs, carpet padding, upholstered furniture, cosmetics, stuffed animals, baby toys, pillows, foam-rubber items, books, wall coverings, and most paper products.)

2. Remove wet or damaged materials and allow exposed surfaces to dry thoroughly before replacing drywall, insulation and floor coverings that have come in contact with sewage or flood waters.

3. Thoroughly clean all hard surfaces (flooring, concrete, molding, wood and metal furniture, countertops, appliances, sinks and other plumbing fixtures).

4. Mold can grow on any surface, including walls, ceilings, carpets, and paints so it may take a variety of cleaning approaches. Bleach and soap with water will clean most surfaces. If a moldy smell is detected, there is mold around. After cleaning moldy areas, allow it to dry.

Health authorities said undamaged commercial canned food that doesn’t have extensive rusting can be cleaned. Remove labels, wash, can with a scrub brush and detergent, and rinse in clean water.

The cans should be sanitized by swabbing or dipping in bleach solution for 15 minutes, and air dry. Home canned foods; food packaged in paper, card-board, or containers with screw top lids; and un-packaged foods such as fruit, potatoes, and squash should be thrown to garbage.

After handling items that have been in contact with floodwater or sewage during cleanup, wash your hands with soap and water that has been boiled or disinfected especially when preparing food. Wash contaminated clothes in hot water and detergent - separate from uncon-taminated items. /MP

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