Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Heart of the Matter

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a festival that cherishes love and romance. The festival falls on February 14 every year and is celebrated in several countries across the world including US, UK, Canada, Japan, France, China and India. Though the festival commemorates the martyrdom of a Christian saint called St Valentine, the festival as it is celebrated today has little religious significance. In present times, Valentine’s Day has assumed a secular and global flavor and is celebrated by people of all ages and races.

Another noticeable factor in Valentine’s Day celebration of present times is the festival celebrates love in all its forms and is not just restricted to romantic love. People therefore exchange Valentine’s Day greetings with their parents, teachers, siblings, friends, sweethearts or anyone special or close to them. The common way of expressing love on Valentine’s Day is through exchanging cards, flowers, chocolates and text messages.
Valentine’s Day History & Legend
The romantic festival of Valentine’s Day is said to have originated in pagan times in Rome when people celebrated annual fertility festival called Feast of Lupercalia in mid-February. A unique custom of the festival was the mating of young boys and girls for a year through a lottery system. Quite often, the couple would fall in love and marry.

Strongly associated with the festival of Valentine’s Day are the legends of three or more Saint Valentine of Rome. One of the most popular legends says, Valentine or Valentinus lived in Rome when the country was under the reign of Emperor Claudius II. It is said that Claudius engaged Rome in several unpopular and bloody campaigns. To maintain a strong army, Claudius continuously needed to recruit soldiers. But to his disappointment, Claudius found that most men were unwilling to join the army because of their strong attachment with their wives and their families.

To get rid of the problem, Claudius banned all marriages and engagements in Rome. A romantic at heart priest, Valentine, secretly arranged marriages of young boys and girls and defied this unjustified and callous order of Claudius. When the Emperor discovered this defiance, he put Valentine behind bars and he was finally executed on February 14, about 270 AD. For his great service, Valentine was named a saint after his death.

By Middle Ages, Saint Valentine became the patron saint of love and lovers in England and France. In 498 AD, when Pope Gelasius decided to put an end to pagan celebration of Feast of Lupercalia, he declared that 14th February be celebrated as St Valentine’s Day.
Some scholars how-ever, say, romance was linked with Valentine’s Day because of the popular belief in England and France during the Middle Ages that birds began to start looking for their mate from 14th February.

Valentine’s Day Traditions & Customs

One of the most important customs of Valentine’s Day festival is the exchange of love notes called ‘Valentines’ by lovers. The tradition is said to have initiated in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans who sent the first known Valentine Day card to his wife from prison. In the present times, Valentine’s Day is the second biggest Valentine’s Day card-giving holiday after Christmas. There is also the tradition of gifting flowers, chocolates besides other gifts of love on Valentine’s Day as an expression of love. Due to information technology Valentine messages are sent by e-mail and texting.

Going on a date with one’s Valentine is another popular tradition of Valentine’s Day festival. Candle light dinners or evening together in a park are an all-time favorite dating idea in present times.
About St. Valentine
Historical archives talk of at least three different individuals known by the name of Saint Valentine and associated with Valentine’s Day celebration of February 14. Some scholars even talk of the presence of as many as seven Saint Valentines all of whom lived in the Third Century and apparently died on February 14. Discussed here are the legends of three saints who were all martyred for their faith and have been recognized by the Catholic Church. Some scholars say that these saints were not separate individuals and are likely to be one and the same. Since these saints lived during the reign of the same Roman emperor and are believed to have died on the same day, this assumption seems to have some validity.
Valentine’s Day Celebration
Valentine’s Day is celebrated in a big way in several countries across the globe. Days before the festival markets wear a festive look. Shops selling gifts and cards are especially decorated with Valentine’s Day symbols of roses, hearts, cupids and lovebirds. Aggressive marketing campaign by cards and gift marketers create hype for the festivals. On February 14, the spirit of love pervades the very atmosphere. One can find couples thronging parks, restaurants, malls and multiplexes holding hands and expressing love for each other.
Valentine’s Day For Lovers
Valentine’s Day festival holds immense importance for those in love. Lovers around the world anxiously wait for the festival as it gives them an opportunity to express love for their beloved and spend a day together. Celebrating the festival in a traditional manner lovers go out for date in a park or spend time looking into the eyes of their partners over a candlelight dinner. Indulging sweethearts with fresh flowers mainly red roses, chocolates, cards and other gifts of love is the other most popular custom of Valentine’s Day for lovers.
Elaborate plans are made by lovers to celebrate Valentine’s Day festival in the much-popularized romantic fashion. For some lovers the day begins by whispering ‘I love you’ in the ears of the beloved.
The romantic gesture is usually accompanied with an exchange of red roses, chocolates, cards and other gifts. Most lovers plan to spend the entire day in the company of their beloved and celebrate being in love. All around the city, be it parks, mall, restaurants or discotheques one can find couples celebrating the idea of being in love. Such lovey-dovey celebrations often continue till late in the night as several clubs and hotels organize Valentine’s Day balls and dance parties. Those away from their Valentine keep in touch through e-mails and phone. Sending online Valentine’s Day gifts is fast becoming a fad amongst lovers separated by a distance.

Though one may say that love is to be celebrated everyday and not just once, lovers cherish the fact that there is exclusively a festival that celebrates love and lovers and provides opportunity to pamper their beloved with love /MP

1 comment:

  1. Love to know about the history of Valentines Day... It's interesting post!!
