Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Heart of the Matter

Valentine’s Day
(Last of two parts)

Valentines Day for Singles
Romantic Valentine’s Day festival is much awaited by those in love but dreaded by singles!! So much is the hype about the festival that some singles even become depressed about not having a partner several days before the festival when they see stores decorated with candies, chocolates and flowers to lure the one’s in love. Some times the sense of isolation becomes so strong that many singles tend to "hate Valentine’s Day" - the day that is actually meant to celebrate love.

Many single men and women go to the extent of calling Valentine’s Day a ‘Singles Awareness Day’. This is because they feel that the day strongly reminds them of their unattached status and not having someone to spend the day in romantic and much popularized manner. Initials of the day ‘S-A-D’ reflect their status of feeling depressed and unloved.

But dateless people must keep in mind that Valentine’s Day is not just to be celebrated by romantically involved couples. The festival is celebrated to express love to anyone we are closed to. We can therefore celebrate Valentine’s Day with friends, siblings, parents, grandparents, teachers or anyone who made a difference to our lives with their affection and support. We must take opportunity of the Valentine’s Day festival to express our love and gratitude to all persons we love. And what better way to do so than by saying it with a gift of roses, chocolates and beautiful cards.

Singles can make the most of Valentine’s Day by spending the day in the company of those they love or by indulging themselves with something luxurious. Here are some tips and ideas on how singles can celebrate the Valentine’s Day in charming and memorable fashion:

Valentine’s Day Ideas for Singles

Pamper yourself - Buy yourself cute Valentine’s Day gifts which could be flowers, a cute teddy or a dress you have been planning to buy since long. Singles may also indulge themselves by going in for spa or head to toe beauty treatment. Indulging in books, CDs, and gourmet meals can be a good way of enjoying the day for some.

Freak out with friend - Plan out a dinner or movie with best friends. You may also throw a "singles party" or "Un-Valentine’s Day Party" at your home and have a blast. You will know that life is fun in the company of loving friends.

Acts of Service - Singles can spend Valen-tine’s Day in the meaningful way by spending time with the needy and down-trodden. You may visit an orphanage or old age home and spend time with the inmates there who are always in need of love and affection. Visiting hospitals and giving roses to sick can also be a touching way of experiencing bliss on Valentine’s Day.

Express Gratitude for friends and dear ones - Instead of feeling depressed and ashamed for not having a significant other to spend the day, singles can spend Valentine’s Day in a constructive manner by expressing love and affection for people around them. One can thank and greet Valentine’s Day to one’s parents, friends, colleagues, neighbors or anyone dear.

Think Positive - Singles can make the most of Valentine’s Day by thinking positive and fighting away Valentine’s Day blues. One should not spend the day sulking for not having a spouse or beloved to spend the day in a happy manner.

Focus on Relationship Plan - Singles can focus on their relationship plan on Valentine’s Day and prepare themselves for healthy and lasting relationships. One can take help of dating and matrimonial sites to find a partner. Also make a list of what you can do to improve your personality. It could be developing a more healthy and positive approach towards life or working towards one’s diet, health and physical appearance. Take steps you think are vital to improve your chances for relationship. Make some resolutions for yourself and stick to them.
Valentine’s Day Flowers
Valentine’s Day is an occasion to openly express love to your beloved and what better way to do so than by means of flowers! Every year lovers use flowers as the medium to convey their feelings for their Valentine. Of all the flowers used on a Valentine’s Day most commonly used Valentine’s Day flower is the red Rose as this flower is traditionally recognized as the symbol of love and passion. A single perfect red rose clubbed with Baby’s Breath flower is considered to a "signature rose" by the florists and is the most sought after flower of Valentine’s Day.

Other flowers that are popular on the occasion of Valentine’s Day include tulips, daffodils and irises. Many people also prefer a mixed flower bouquet on Valentine’s Day, as it looks colourful and attractive. Most lovers try and avoid silk or artificial flowers as nothing matches the beauty and aroma of fresh flowers. Besides it is said that fresh flowers represent the genuine feelings of love towards the recipient. No wonder, florists across the world do a roaring business on Valentine’s Day.
Origin of Rose as a Valentine’s Day Flower
According to popular legends red rose is considered to be a favorite flower of Venus - the Roman mythological Goddess of Love and Beauty. Hence, red Rose came to be associated with love and romance. Historians believe that the tradition of giving red rose on Valentine’s Day became popular in the 1700s when Charles II of Sweden introduced the Persian custom of "the language of flowers" to Europe. Books giving details about meanings of particular flowers were published which demonstrated to people how entire conversations could be carried out using just the flowers. Rose of different colors symbolizes different emotions and feelings. Red Roses - Love and passion; White Roses - True love, purity of the mind; Yellow - Friendship, celebration and joy; Pink - Friendship or admiration; and Peach -Desire or appreciation.

Thus, poets and romantics associated red rose as a symbol of love and Valentine’s Day /MP

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