Sunday, February 01, 2009

Keeping Your Family Safe

Survival Tips For Journalist
(Second of 6 parts)
Last week, I shared with you suggestions on how to "Deal With Death Threats" in the light of the dangers being faced by the local media Aklan in the performance of their trade as members of the fourth estate.

In this issue, I will share with you tips on how to keep your family safe from possible threat.
Keeping Family Members Safe

1. Instruct family members and household helps to keep off information through the telephone, text messages and any strangers;

2. Conduct regular drills with the family members on taking cover from gunfire;
3. Tell family members to take note of the presence of suspicious vehicles and persons;

4. Keep doors securely locked, make sure doors have deadbolts;

5. Designate a safe room within the house where the family members can seek cover in case of attack. The room must have a sturdy door, a telephone line, water, food, flashlight, first aid kit, and possible escape route;

6. Entrust house keys to a trusted neighbor. Never leave it under the doormats or flowerpots; and

7. Have a watchdog. Enlist the assistance of neighbors in detecting surveillance.

In part 3, I will be sharing with you tips on "How To Deal With Surveillance". /MP

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