Sunday, February 08, 2009

NPA Ambushes NPA In Tapaz Town

Camp Adriano Hernandez, Dingle, Iloilo – The long standing feud between Francisco Balois alias TONYING, the squad leader of Squad ABE of Central Front Committee (CFC), Komiteng Rehiyunal – Panay (KR-P) and Gaspar MATULLANO alias MAYOK, CO, Sentro De Grabidad (SDG) Platoon also of the Central Front Committee came to a bloody confrontation when the 16 armed members of alias MAYOK ambushed the 14 armed members of alias TONYING along Tampahan Creek, Sition Pasuhan, brgy. Buri, Tapaz, Capiz on January 29, 2009.

Initial reports provided by the residents in the area stated that the two (2) Communist Terrorists (CTs) were killed while five (5) others were wounded to include alias TONYING. At first, the residents, thought that another encounter happened between the Philippine Army and the NPA in the area. It can be recalled that two encounters also happened in Brgy. Buri between the elements of 47IB and the CPP/NPA last September 26 and November 29, 2008.

Col Gerardo T. Layug, Commander, 301st Infantry Brigade based in Camp Hernandez, Dingle, Iloilo has operational jurisdiction over the insurgency problem in Panay. He stated that the military already expected that incident to happen. Informants within the ranks of the NPA revealed that a long standing feud has been brewing among the top leaders of the CPP/NPA in Panay Island because of the failure of their leaders to control the growing number of CPP/NPA members who are surrendering to the government, squabble for position and control of extortion money and growing ambition by low level leaders to take over the CPP/NPA leadership in Panay Island.

Col Layug also stated that the latest incident clearly showed the true colors and intention of the leaders of the CPP/NPA. Their continued presence in the mountains is not to help the people of Panay Island but to amass money through extortion. He is appealing to the people to support the military and the government and to report the presence of the NPA in their brgys.

“More NPA members will surrender to the government troops because of what happened. Our Special Operations Teams are now deployed in areas where they used to get their food or hide from the military forces. The rank and file of the NPA are growing hungry and no longer know whom to trust because they are being ambushed by their comrades”, Col Layug said.

Col Layug is also appealing to the members of the NPA to come down from the mountains and return to their loving families. “You have sacrificed for so long in the mountains to pursue your dream of a better life for your families, while your leaders like Jose Maria Sison is living in comfort abroad”, he said. “The government is now offering the Social Integration Program (SIP) for CPP/NPA members who want to have a normal life with their families”. Those who want to avail of the program can contact the nearest AFP or PNP Unit nearest their locality. /MP

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