Sunday, February 01, 2009



PNP Promotes 121 Aklan Cops
Camp Pastor Martelino, Kalibo, Aklan- One Hundred sixteen strong PNP personnel from different police stations of Aklan Police Provincial Office (APPO) will be given due recognition for their promotions during the Nationwide simultaneous pinning of rank insignias to be held at Camp Pastor Martelino, Kalibo, Aklan.

Some 121 PNP personnel who were promoted to the next higher rank will be pinned by Aklan Provincial Director Senior Superin-tendent Clarence V Guinto. He will be assisted by Deputy Provincial Director for Administration Police Supt Anthony Maghari. Three policemen were promoted from SPO3 to SPO4, twelve (12) from SPO2 to SPO3, 2 SPO1 to SPO2, 14 PO3 to SPO1, 42 PO2 to PO3 and 45 PO1 to PO2.
Police Senior Superintendent Guinto encourages his men to be more responsible in doing their jobs as protectors of society. "Promotion to another rank is another responsibility that will add risks to your shoulders to carry on. I officially congratulate all the promoted personnel of Aklan PPO. Keep up the good work and continue the job well done", Guinto said.
Guinto Commends PNP Augmentation
Aklan Provincial Director Senior Superin-tendent Clarence V Guinto commended the PNP augmentation personnel for the job well done during the weeklong festivities of Kalibo Señor Sto.Niño 2009.

A Ceremonial Send-Off program was given to PNP augmentation from 6th Regional Mobile Group, Antique PPO and Capiz PPO recently at Kalibo Pilot Elementary School, Kalibo, Aklan.
"Your unselfish sacrifice and dedication to police duties have primarily contributed to the generally peaceful, meaningful, colorful and successful celebration of the festival, which have also gained great respect and lasting gratitude from the Kalibonhon, Guinto said.

The Festival resulted to a zero crime incident which really meant a 100 percent joint efforts of the PNP, Philippine Army, Philippine Coastguard and force multipliers until the celebration ended.

While Senior Inspector Arnolito Laguerta, the ground commander of the celebration said, Ati-Atihan Festival was generally peaceful, although there were some reported incidents such as pick pocketing, snatching and commotions, it did not affect the over all peace and order situation in the municipality of Kalibo. The augmentation personnel from different police provincial Office and local force multipliers helped a lot in securing the safety of the participants, visitors, dignitaries, foreign and local tourists during the festival.

The security of the Kalibo Ati-Atihan festival was intensified by the deployment of 859 security forces and volunteers from the Philippine National Police (PNP) and Philippine Army who contributed their part making the success of the grandest of festival.
P1.2 M For 2005 Sto. Niño Ati-Atihan Victims

Aklan Provincial Director Senior Superin-tendent Clarence V Guinto announced the P1.2 m additional benefits from PSMBFI was formally turned over to benefi-ciaries/dependents of surviving heirs of the five (5) policemen died in the tragic incident transpired during the highlights of the renowned Ati-Atihan Festival four (4) years ago..

The five policemen sacrificed their lives in the security operations during the 2005 Atifest. They were Police Supt Odelardo Magayanes, Kalibo Chief PCINSP Manuel Ilejay, SP01 Juan Gorion, PO1 Ricky Urquiola and PO1 Devie Tompong of the Regional Mobile Group.

The Aklan Police Provincial Office in coor-dination with the Public Safety Mutual Benefit Fund, Incorporated (PSMBFI) and the Kalibo Police Station honored the families at 8:30 o’clock in the morning on 19 January 2009 held at the Kalibo Police Station.

Additional benefits were turned-over to their surviving spouses/benefi-ciaries during the occasion. PDIR Efren Q. Fernandez, President of PSMBFI, personally turned over the benefits with the assistance of Kalibo Mayor Raymar Rebaldo, Senior Superin-tendent Clarence Guinto, and Kalibo Chief Senior Insp. Arnolito Laguerta. /MP

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