Sunday, March 29, 2009


The Department of Agriculture (DA) has enjoined all the DA Regional Directors, Regional Agri-culture Fishery, Provincial Agricultural Fishery, and Municipal Agricultural Fishery Councils chair persons to "enforce the recovery of the Livelihood Enhancement For Agri-cultural Development (LEAD) program rep-lenishment".

In a Memorandum dated January 15, 2009, DA Undersecretary Atty. Bernie G. Fondevilla urged those concerned in the LEAD program to "demand from the project proponents remittance of their replenishments on time". He also reminded project proponents to adhere strictly to the existing guidelines in the implementation of the LEAD Program.

In Aklan, some P2.55 million was released to various LEAD projects since 1988. However, only P0.174 million was replenished. These LEAD projects are found in Banga, Balete, Kalibo, Batan, Tangalan, Malay, Makato, Malinao, Libacao, Numancia, and Ibajay.

The money was used to fund agricultural projects such as pineapple fiber production, swine, duck, goat, poultry, salted egg making, fish processing, crab fattening projects among others.

Aside from the Grains Processing Center in Laguinbanua, Ibajay which until today is not operational, there are the Trading Post of the LGU Makato funded at P0.885 million and the Multi Purpose Training Center of the Lezo Multi Purpose Cooperative, Inc., Lezo funded with P0.588 million.
Atty. Fondevilla is urging all project proponents and implementers of these projects in Aklan to replenish the funds released to them as early as possible. /MP

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