Thursday, March 05, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Inflammable Project
in Kalibo
"Gasoline Filling Station is allowable on the lots" situated at corner Roxas Avenue and Mabini Street, Poblacion, Kalibo, Aklan. These lots are owned by Nerissa Salvador – Retonio, Jasmin Salvador – Diono, Alex Neil Salvador, and John Eric Salvador with a total area of 1,947 square meters.

In his letter to Kalibo Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo dated February 23, 2009, Mr. Edgardo M. Gerardo, Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator, Kalibo informed "upon the request of Mr. Ariel Garcia as a follow-up to the original request of Mr. Ambrosado requesting for a Certification …. a Gasoline station is allowable to be constructed on the aforementioned area, this office …issued a Certification last Jan. 12, 2009 stating among others that pursuant to Land Use and Classification and the pertinent provisions as cited on Art. 10, Sec. 4 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 2000 – 034 of the Municipality of Kalibo, Gasoline Filing Station is allowable on the lots identified.

On his answer to the query posted by Mr. Neil M. Ambrosado dated Novem-ber 17, 2008, Mr. Edgardo M. Gerardo replied the following day, Nov. 18, 2008. Here is the pertinent portion of his answer: "Be informed that pursuant to Article X, Section 4 which is a Special Permit Use of the Municipal Zoning Ordinance No. 2000 – 034, filing station is allowed provided that:

1. They shall not be located within fifty (50) meters from the nearest schools, churches, hospitals and other similar buildings;

2. They shall not constitute safety hazards in a community developed entirely into residential purposes;

3. The premises shall not be used for overnight parking of transport vehicles and utility terminal or body building purposes;

4. The number of stations allowed shall conform with standards set by the Ministry of Energy;

5. Filling stations shall be located at least 100 meters from each other, and should have adequate fire fighting equipment."

To the level of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator of the town of Kalibo, a gasoline filling station can be put up after submission of documents to support the issuance of a building permit.


Will the safety and security of people and property be sacrificed in order to put up a gasoline filling station in the heart of Poblacion, Kalibo? Is there other private enterprise more lucrative and not involving or dealing with inflammable material than a gasoline filling station? Will the gasoline station serve the best interest of the people of Kalibo and other people from other places who visit Kalibo from time to time? May the people concerned in the approval of the gasoline station project on corner Roxas Avenue and A. Mabini street consider all the factors like security, environment, and the economics of it.

Kalibo Pilot Elementary School Parent Teachers Com-munity Association has already registered its objection to the Gasoline Filling Station on Jan. 12, 2009. How about other people living and doing business in the vicinity, will they agree to a gasoline filling station?

Will the people living in the vicinity have peace of mind, thinks that their neighborhood are in a danger zone?

Take note that there is now an on-going construc-tion of a two storey commercial residential building which is just adjacent to the lots where gasoline filling station is proposed.

Of all business, let inflammable goods be situated outside of a residential business zone. Vehicles will go where gasoline filling station is located to refuel.
On Re–greening
Malinao Mayor Dominador Ilio, Jr. commented. The two groups of evaluation teams will only be able to select the top three of the Aklan Re-greening after visiting all the contest entries in both Eastern and Western parts of Aklan. It is not necessary for the Eastern Team to visit contest entries in the Western side of Aklan. Likewise, it is not necessary for the Western Team to visit contest entries in the Eastern side of Aklan.

"Contest Mechanics and Guideline" states in No. 8, "Awarding of winners will be done during the Aklan Day Celebration. Cash prizes and Certificates will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places winners of both Eastern and Western Districts as well as to residential".

This is very clear. There are two groups of winners, one group for the Eastern and one group for the Western. /MP

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