Thursday, March 19, 2009

Erosion At Diniwid Beach, Boracay

"We are writing you in alarm about the terrible erosion along Boracay beaches. Affected is the White Beach, but the worst affected is Diniwid Beach." This is the principal information Mr. Peter Brugger provided to Madyaas Pen.

Mr. Peter Brugger is the vice president for External Affairs of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) Boracay.

According to him, PCCI – Boracay has written DENR Sec. Jose L. Atienza, Jr. informing him last February of the rapid beach erosion in Boracay. However, until today, there is no respond. Meanwhile, rapid soil erosion is continuing.
"Erosion of the beach is already measured in meters. The whole area of northern Diniwid beach is not accessible anymore, particularly at high tide," related Brugger. "There are fences and buildings on the other side which are violations of setback laws." Many establishments at the northern part of Diniwid beach violate national laws and municipal ordinances such as building permanent structures on the marine reserve zone or within no build zone, the set back from the tide mark, and have no permit to operate a resort or establishments," narrated Brugger. /MP

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