Thursday, March 05, 2009

Maypa – Zapata Nuptials

With the grace of God and with the blessings of their parents, Jhonbard and Theresa Fria shared the joy as they begin a new life together celebrated with a mutual lifelong love and commitment with each other in the holy sacrament of matrimony. The marriage ceremony took place at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon on February 14, 2009. It was held at St. John The Baptist Cathedral, Kalibo, Aklan.

They entertained their parents, guests and visitors in a reception at the Terranova Garden, New Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan, immediately after the marriage ceremonies celebrated by Rev. Fr. Michael T. Ibardolaza–main celebrant, Rev. Fr. Jarvin T. Aguelo and Rev. Fr. Josue R. Escalona, Jr. – co-celebrants.

The bride is the loving daughter of Vice Mayor Ramon Sison Zapata and Mrs. Mercy Padalhin Zapata of Libacao. The groom is the son of Mr. Jose Masangya Maypa, Jr. and Mrs. Yolanda Abello Maypa of Kalibo.

The marriage entourage is composed of principal sponsors: Ambassador Nestor N. Padalhin and Mayor Elverita T. Templonuevo; Cong. Florencio T. Miraflores and Mayor Ma. Lourdes M. MIraflores; Gov. Carlito S. Marquez and Mayor Kathryn B. Refol; Hon. Plaridel M. Morania and Vice Mayor Evangeline M. Ibabao; Mayor Raymar A. Rebaldo and Hon. Aizel M. Villorente; Mayor Charito I. Navarosa and Dr. Victorina S. Laroza; Mayor Rex T. Gubatina and Dr. Ma. Daphne Y.O. Villorente; Mayor Victor L. Fernandez and Dr. Mercedes D. Imperial; Mayor Antonio T. Maming and Dr. Rosana D. Conanan.

Dr. Arturo T. Zonio, Ed. D. and Dr. Emma T. Cortes; Atty. Salex E. Alibogha and Dr. Mabel G. Esto; Atty. Allen S. Quimpo and Dr. Cynthia C. Dela Cruz; Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente and Dr. Luzviminda R. Isagan; Dr. Arnold T. Jayme and Architect Lara A. Salaver; Dr. Renato D. Tugon and Mrs. Phoebe R. Tugon; P/Supt. Pedrito F. Delos Reyes and Ma. Lea Lynette D.F. Delos Reyes.

Engr. Sotico D. Beltran and Purita S. Beltran; Engr. George F. Rovero and Wilma L. Ruiz; Adriano M. Maypa; and Maida M. Macahilas; Jhoeland A. Maypa and Cecily E. Fulgencio; John Razie Z. Isagan and Jessie Y. Gerardo; Apolinar N. Orbista, Jr. and Eden F. Orbista; Josue E. Abello and Rosario J. Abello, Edipolo A. Ibarra and Agnes M. Cheng; Rene S. Margarico and Mabel U. Concepcion; Victor A. Martirez and Elsa M. Martirez; Arturo M. Justo and Lauren Z. Zabala; Welserie O. Viray, and Evelyn N. Padalhin; Eldegar Z. Salazar and Dolores Z. Salazar; and Romualdo S. Zeque, Sr. and Lilia S. Peralta.

The Best Man is Gerald C. Fosana while Cathleen G. Exconde is the Maid of Honor. The Groomsmen are Dr. Jose N. Jose, III, Dr. Julius R. Gonzales, Engr. Wayne B. Bocala, Vincent T. Navarosa, Hon. Denny B. Refol, Jr. Niño S. Beltran, Mark Dexter D. Ambito, Stuart D. Ruiz, Patrick Florian L. Isagan, John C. Marciales, Mark Louie V. Zaspa, Rogel N. Maypa and Earl Vincent M. Salongcay.

The Bridesmaids are Dr. Joy S. Villanueva, Atty. Karoline J. Abello, Jenet Z. Naig, Maria Zinnia V. Ruiz, Lady Ember N. Zubiaga, Quinn Nixie Amur U. Rompe, Anna Karla Z. Villorente, Guadalupe G. Salazar, Merian Chriss M. Magpusao, Edilyn S. Tampos, Anna Alexa Z. Dionela, Ms. Danielle M. Maquirang, Shirlyn T. Zonio and Gay Anne C. Navarra.

The Junior Grooms-men are Hon. Miguel Rafael P. Zapata, John Randy P. Zapata, John Sedric N. Padalhin, Dennis M. Villorente, Jr., Jan Soc El Rey J. Orbista, John Vincent R. Nemis, Venli Jaypee S. Peralta and Justine Alaric R. Salcedo.

The Junior Bridesmaid are Hon. Karen Rose Z. Zapico, Athena Fria S. Zausa, Joahnna Alondra N. Padalhin, Marbe Rose S. Ismael, Darycel S. Regalado, Joanah Dale S. Beltran, Michelle Ann Z. Cuenco, and Krizel Ann Z. Cosepe.

Secondary sponsors are Hon. Jose Jerome V. Legaspi and Maila O. Villorente – Candle; Dr. Joseph A. Maypa and Maria Ana M. Balmero – Veil, and Johnvic S. Beltran and Delma B. Beltran – Cord.

Francis P. Padalhin, Jr. bears the ring; Johndel B. Beltran bears the coin, Fulton Eros T. Garucho bears the veil, Mika Ed E. Narandan bears the cord and Allen Jo Jefferson B. Candari bears the Bible.

The Flower Girls with their escorts are Delma Joy B. Beltran and Dex Luren S. Sison, Delma Jane B. Beltran and Johnmar B. Beltran, Mabel Ann M. Beltran and Jewel Jay M. Beltran, Alliana Lexa Y. Dolinog and Emmanuel A. Castillano, Leonah Glynn L. Zambrona and Adrian Miguel T. Kismundo, Andrea Jane T. Arsenio and Rian Ariel D. Margarico, Leovamarie Jacinth M. Tagala and Lee Roi C. Alano.

Ailes Nicole N. Dala and Nico Joshua Martin C. Rovero, Bettle Bae T. Naig and Brylle James T. Naig, Hannah Jade R. Ruiz and Hanz Jude Ulysses R. Ruiz, Clhouie R. Almero and Anton Juan M. Fernandez, Liesa Z. Zante and Tristan EJ Z. Zabala, Fiona Margaret T. Garucho and John Kyle G. Iguiz, Frances Danielle N. Relente and Deo Myrven M. Escalona, Cryssanta Mary N. Nagtalon and Rainer Glyn O. Zusa, Lea Angela T. Zolina and EU Gester S. Belayro, Mary Eloisa Rose P. Naig and Bradley Kyle L. Legaspi and Pshycny Shane V. Beltran. /MP

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