Thursday, March 05, 2009

Palaycheck Techno-Demo Yields 6.16 Metric Tons

Text and photo by James Earl E. Ogatis

Mr. Adje Calanao, with Megaphone, the agricultural technician handling the palaycheck technology demonstration explains to farmers the maturity age and other characteristics of PSB RC 128 rice variety during farmer’s field day at barangay Camambugan, Dingle, Iloilo.

The Palaycheck technology demonstration at barangays Camambugan and Buenavista, Dingle, Iloilo yielded 6.16 metric tons per hectare. Some of 114 farmers who have attended the techno-demo field day recently were pleased.

According to Director Allan V. Alimodian of Agricultural Training Institute, the significant increase in yield from 3.8 to 6.16 metric ton per hectare resulted from the correct and proper adoption of eight keychecks of palaycheck system.

"The eight keychecks are the primary fundamentals of rice farming which are: 1. use of certified seeds of a recommended variety, 2. no high and low soil spots after final leveling, 3. practice synchronous planting after a fallow period, 4. sufficient number of healthy seedlings, 5. sufficient nutrients at early panicle initiation to flowering, 6. avoid excessive water or drought stress situation, 7. no significant yield loss due to pests and cut, and 8. thresh the crop at the right time," Dir. Alimodian pointed out.

Ms. Marfe Quinlat, techno-demo technician said that farmers at Brgy. Camambugan used PSB RC 128 registered seeds on irrigated area while farmers at brgy. Buenavista used SL-8 hybrid seeds on rainfed area. Both sites yielded 6.16 metric tons per hectare after following the eight keychecks.

"The farmer partici-pants on both sites took turns to pull the PhilRice drumseeder to ensure that the 20 kg. seeds will fit to the one-half hectare techno-demo site," said Ms. Quinlat.

Farmers were also taught how to use the leaf color chart (LCC) and minus one element technique (MOET) to determine fertilizer deficiency and proper application at a particular growth stage of rice crop.

Mrs. Anita Detore, farmer-partner at brgy. Camambugan stressed the importance of following keycheck Number 2 or no high and low sites after final leveling for efficient water management during vegetative stage.

"Maintaining the water level from 3 – 5 centimeters also encouraged more productive tillers per hill and good strategy in preventing the growth of weeds," said Mrs. Detore.

Mr. Jimmy Dapatnapu another farmer-partner from brgy. Buenavista encourages fellow farmers to venture into hybrid rice farming for this can give higher yield and profitability. He said that farming does not need more water if keycheck No. 2 and 3 or proper land preparation and synchronous planting after a fallow period were followed correctly.

The Palaycheck field day was attended by local executives and farmers from barangays Buenavista, Tula-tulaan, Licuan, Tigib and Camambugan, Dingle, Iloilo. The techno-demo was made possible through the collaboration of the Department of Agriculture, RFU 6; Agricultural Training Institute (ATI 6); Provincial Government of Iloilo and the municipality of Dingle, Iloilo. /MP


  1. Marfe, very nice article! I hope to nalipay ako soon

  2. Hello Girl, hahaha, Chuva found this link.....Good Job! miss you!
