Sunday, March 29, 2009

RC Kalibo Donates Books For Reading Enhancement Project

by Dobie P. Parohinog, PhD

The Reading Enhancement Project of Bulwang Elem. School, Bulwang, Numancia is highly enriched by the book donation of Rotary couple – Frank and Tess Kennedy. Picture above shows (l to r) standing: PP More Morrier, VP Pete Ruiz, Dr. Dobie P. Parohinog, Rtn. Efren Abayon, PP Panski Rebuelta, Pres. Megs Lunn, Rtn. Tess Kennedy, Rtn. Frank Kennedy, PP Berting Nakaya, and Ms. Nenita Cabangon. Children in front are beneficiaries of the Reading Enhancement Project.

The Rotary Club of Kalibo spearheaded by President Megs Lunn donated books for the pupils of Bulwang Elementary School, District of Numancia, Aklan on March 10, 2009 at the School Cultural Hall.

Aside from the 662 different titles of books, 246 pieces of notebook, and 240 pieces of HB pencil, No. 2 which are materials needed for the school’s Reading Enhancement Project were turned over to the school. The donation was made to improve the reading level of the in-school children for calendar year 2008 to 2011.

The generous couple, Frank and Teresita Kennedy of Canada facilitated the donation. They managed the materials procurement, distribution and orientation activities during the assembly of teachers, parents, and pupils with emphasis on effective reading program with the full support of parents and teachers.

Frank further portrayed his true experience in improving the reading level of students in his schools in Canada as Education Supervisor. He stressed the importance of reading skill for employment oppor-tunities, private enterprise, social and cultural activities, technological development and research, which have significant value to a successful career and family well-being.

Frank and Tess are both members of the Rotary Club of Kalibo who are now residents of Mabilo, Kalibo. They are educators in profession who advocate vehemently to parents and teachers to study. "Today, proper education is comparable to gold which is a precious gift of God to a person. A good reader will have ample information of what is going on with our present economy, of the different lifestyles of the people around the world, of the causes and effects of climate change, and other vital issues affecting the lives of the people," Frank pointed out. "Good readers are those with high scores in the academic tests which will lead them to be successful individuals", Tess also added.

Mrs. Teresita Kennedy hails from Barangay Mabilo, Kalibo, Aklan. She was formerly employed as a public school teacher of the Division of Aklan before she got married to a Canadian, Frank Kennedy. They set up a family in Canada. She is an active Rotary member and an ideal partner to Frank. /MP

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