Thursday, March 19, 2009

Roxas Condemns Gaite Appointment

Sen. Mar Roxas said today President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s appointment of Deputy Executive Secretary Manuel Gaite to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reflects the administration’s lack of decency and concern for public opinion of its conduct.

"This administration does not care for what the public thinks. At this time that the SEC’s reputation is crumbling down, President Arroyo has appointed someone whose own credibility is as low as the one he’s replacing," Roxas said.

Roxas believed Gaite’s appointment was also apparently a reward for his role in Malacanang’s attempt to silence NBN-ZTE broadband deal whistleblower Rodolfo "Jun" Lozada Jr.

"What proof could Gaite show that he has ‘good moral character?’ This is one of the qualifications set by law for SEC commissioners," Roxas asked.
Roxas cited Section 4.2 of the Securities Regulation Code on the qualifications for SEC commissioners, which states, "The Commissioners must be… of good moral character, of unquestionable integrity, of known probity and patriotism, and with recognized competence..." SEC commissioners are Presidential appointees and "If the President is really serious in cleaning up the SEC and recovering the public trust in our institutions, she should immediately cancel Gaite’s appointment and headhunt for a person whose integrity cannot be assailed," he suggested.
Arroyo herself selected Gaite to replace Jesus Enrique Martinez who allegedly received bribes from Celso de los Angeles, Legacy Group owner. /MP

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