Thursday, April 16, 2009

ATI’s Farmer Field School

Bountiful harvest displayed in the One-Town-One Product booth during the 2008 Aklan Day Celebration. (MP file photo)

Secretary of Agriculture Arthur C. Yap will be the guest of honor and speaker during the graduation program of the graduates of the Farmers’ Field School (FFS). The graduation ceremonies will be held on April 24, 2009 in the Amphitheatre, Aklan State University, Banga, Aklan.

Some 725 rice farmers will be awarded their Certificate of Completion of the Season – Long Rice Production Course according to Dr. Allan V. Alimodian, center director, Agricultural Training Institute, Banga, Aklan.

The FFS graduation program is one of the highlights of the 53rd Aklan Day Celebration.

The 725 rice farmers come from the eight municipalities of Aklan. They studied rice production in all stages from land preparation to harvesting on site during the dry cropping season in December 2008 to April 2009, reported Dr. Eden Bautista of ATI.

Dr. Benny A. Palma will welcome the graduates, guests, and visitors. Dr. Alimodian will present the farmer graduates whom ATI Director Asterio P. Saliot will confirm their graduation.

Sec. Yap, Gov. Carlito S. Marquez, and Cong. Joeben T. Miraflores will distribute the certificates to the graduates. After this, Gov. Marquez and Cong. Miraflores will deliver their messages. DA Regional Director Larry P. Nacionales will introduce the keynote speaker and guest of honor Sec. Arthur R. Yap who is expected to discuss food security program.

Testimonies of the importance of the FFS and what they learned in training will be given by Laverina I. Nacabuan of Lilo-an, Malinao and Joniel G. Quisoy of Buenavista, Nabas, Aklan.

William B. Castillo, Aklan Provincial Agricul-turist will deliver the closing statements. /MP

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