Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Is Your Rice Farm Irrigated?
This morning, April 1, Aklan river is flooded brought about by the rain one day before, March 31, Tuesday. The rainfall was unusual. It dropped in the season of lent, summer.

But the farmers were glad, the rain came. It revitalized the rice painfully growing due to drought on the rice paddies of the Aklan valley. The cracks in the ricefields were partly filled up by rain water.

However, the rice paddies are expected to dry again in 24 hours because of strong heat with temperature at 32 – 34 degrees Celsius.

While the water in the rivers system of Aklan continuously drains to the ocean unimpeded, the farmers particularly the Aklanon, could only hope the water could be harnessed to produce electric power, direct its course to paddy fields for irrigation, and prevent soil erosion.

Water experts estimate the water in the rivers system of Aklan is enough to irrigate all its land devoted to agriculture, produce electric power enough for the needs of Aklan, Antique and Capiz, and employment will be available to all Aklanons. Hence, food of high quality at low production cost and provincial industrialization hastened.

But no government officials before and now has appreciated the advantages of water resources development for agriculture and industry in Aklan. Previous set of government officials had encouraged for example the construction of golf course designed for the entertainment and pleasure of other people.

8 Million Liters Water

In rice production alone, one hectare rice crop needs eight million liters of water during its life, according to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) based in Los BaƱos, Laguna. If this quantity of water is measured in cans, it is equivalent to 400,000 big or five-gallon kerosene cans. How can the rice farmers supply this required quantity? The only way is to construct irrigation dams and ditches where water can be drained to the farmers’ field.

Further, the IRRI found that in 100 grams of fresh plant leaf, 88 grams are water, while 12 grams are dried leaf material. If this dry leaf material is burned, it will produce 1.5 grams of ash. What is left of 100 grams, is only 1.5 grams.

If there is a lack of water, food plant manufac-turing is decreased. Water, air and light are needed in plant food manufacturing and water is the limiting factor. Water carries the plant food like minerals and carbohydrates to the different parts of the plant.

Water cools the leaves like perspiration cools human body. Growth is greatly retarded without water in the leaves as pores close. Water cannot pass out and air cannot enter. When temperature is too high, and there is no water, leaves of plants dry up. It wilts and eventually dies. Take note that water taken up by rice plant is lost through evaporation. In view of it, there must be always water in the paddy where there is rice crop growing. Without water, the erect leaves will droop and eventually die.

If agriculture is the twin of tourism development program of Aklan, the repair of existing irrigation system and construction of new irrigation projects are the cardinal rule. The neglect of irrigation system is neglect in agriculture.

Nation of Servants

Do you believe the Philippines is a "nation of servants?" Of course, we Filipinos do not think so.

However, a certain Chip Tsao, in his column published in the Hong-kong magazine said the Philippines is a nation of servants. This opinion illicited outrage among the Filipinos in the Philippines and in Hongkong where around 130,000 are working OFWs.

True, Hongkong employs thousands of OFWs but they are honestly doing thier jobs. However, Chip Tsao has belittled them. He forgot that without these Pinoy OFWs, Hongkong economy might collapse.

Calling Philippines, the nation of servants is racial discremination, a national insult, degrading a country.

While the Hongkong magazine has apologized for the offense of its writer, Chip Tsao has kept silent. Millions of OFWs are demanding apology from Chip Tsao who is now banned from entering the Philippines. Our government should file diplomatic protest to the Hongkong government against this national shame inflicted by Chip Tsao. /MP

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