Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
That Comfort Room
Smells Sweet
"Kon owa ako mamatay sa bala, mamatay ako sa baho". (If I did not die because of bullet wound, I will die of bad odor.) This was the remark of an old lady just after World War II.

That old woman happened to pass by the side of an "Antipolo" toilet with more human waste of highly objec-tionable odor, air pollutant.

Antipolo toilet is a kind of comfort room. It is outside the main house, connected with three pieces of bamboos that serve as bridge or link the house to the comfort room like shed. To avoid exposure of waste and prevent hogs from entering to catch and savor the dropping waste, it is fenced.

But today, the style and construction of comfort room has greatly improved. It has become the principal component of a house even adjacent to or part of a bedroom used as dressing and even powder room.
It has septic tank as storage of human waste, connected to the sewer for excess water to drain. The room is of cement with either tiles or marbles and with toilet bowls to provide ease and comfort during defecation.

To drain the waste toward the septic tank, one just flushes the water tank. Constant cleaning with water and detergent is done to maintain pleasant smell at all times. Comfort room is important part of the house to maintain and sustain its excellent cleanliness and pleasant smell. If not, the entire house is a hell of a place to live in.

In Kalibo, the toilet on the south part of Pastrana Park, Martelino Street throws highly obnoxious odor anytime throughout the day and night.

In its regular session, Hon. Madeline A. Regalado related her experience to the Sangguniang Bayan members. While she was attending a graduation program being held in Pastrana Park with the grandstand used as stage under it are located comfort rooms for men and women.

While the program was going on, another guest told Hon. Regalado what she is smelling. Regalado was greatly embarrassed at that moment being one of the top officials of Kalibo.

It is hard to believe that toilets in the center part of Kalibo smells bad and stinks in all seasons. Kalibo is the capital town, the people of which deserve pleasant place to stay. Pastrana Park is a place of attraction, the centerpiece of arts and culture. The executive officials must do something to restore its splendor and freshness for Aklanons, Kalibonhons, guests and visitors to stay longer and to enjoy their stay. Who will spend time to stay in a malodorous place? Kalibonhons do not deserve bad smell, its officials must work to reverse the situation. /MP

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