Thursday, April 16, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
The Denial
I was shocked to hear Mr. Chito Peralta, General Manager of Aklan Electric Cooperative better known as Akelco to tell the radio audience via the program "Ilitsahan" through program host Kaibahang Butz that "if Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente has something to tell me" about Akelco, he can discuss it with me personally.

Mr. Chito Peralta, as I listened to his answer seemed irked because of my article, "The Absence of Empathy" published in Madyaas Pen on the March 28, 2009 issue. This was read and discussed in RGMA – DYRU in its program "Ilitsahan" in the early morning of Saturday, April 4.

What was discussed is a simple business practice, to inform in advance the clients of any change in office hours. To do this will save its clients from visiting its office to save time, money, and effort. It will avoid frustration.
However, in the whole afternoon, Tuesday, March 24, those who visited the Akelco office were frustrated because Akelco office was closed. According to the security guard, officials and personnel were gone attending sports fest. This prevented clients to transact business with Akelco like paying power bills.

The discussion on the Akelco closure in the afternoon of March 24 was so simple. It could have lasted not more than five (5) minutes if Gen. Mngr. Chito was humble to accept his lapses, and assure the clients it will not happen again.

But no, Mr. Chito kept on rationalizing the closure that it elicited more reactions from listeners. He never acknowledged the management lapse.
At the time Kaibahang Butz featured the article, I was in Balete. He asked me to give clarification about the said article. To maintain excellent radio reception, we stopped the car in Brgy. Aranas and gave my answers. After about 15 minutes, we continued the travel. We monitored the discussion while inside the moving car until we reached Mambusao, Capiz. We lost contact in Sigma.

I like to share with Gen. Mngr. Chito that I wrote my experience with Akelco with the hope to improve its services to its clients.

Akelco is people’s owned utility organization which solely distributes and sells electricity, the most valuable and important commodity. It is my function to tell the owners who are the people so that the trustees: the Board of Directors and the Akelco management group will improve the services.

Fade MKWD Bill

For my water consumption for the period March 1 to April 2, 2009, I was served a Water Bill which size is 2"X6" (two inches wide by six inches long). Much as I wished to pay immediately, I did not because I cannot read what is printed. All entries were not only blurred, but faded. If I was not advised it is a water bill from Metro Kalibo Water District, it could have been disregarded.

I immediately called up MKWD. A sweet voice responded. I identified myself and requested her name too. She replied, "This is complaint". Ah! "Good morning, Miss Complaint," I greeted her. We both laughed. I told her about the condition of the water bill I received. She referred me to the "Billing" which sent me a one page short coupon bond size bill prepared by Ms. Maerecel D. Cajuday, Clerk Processor – B, and noted by Ms. Gildane Y. Briones, Cust. Service Officer – B.

I hope MKWD can improve the quality of the materials being used in its Billing Notice.

The bill covers the one month period Madyaas Pen consumed which is two (2) cubic meters of water only. For it, I paid P340 for that water and added P10 more for "meter rental".

53rd Aklan Day

On April 25, 2009, the people of Aklan under the leadership of Governor Carlito S. Marquez will celebrate its 53rd Separation Day from the Province of Capiz. The separation of Aklan was mandated by virtue of Republic Act 1414 approved on April 25, 1956.

Aklan can boost of its cemented nautical highway beautified through re-greening program where passing along it is a pleasure. It has a God given island resort of Boracay which magnetizes hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world to visit and to enjoy the sugary white cool beach and the blue, clean waters.

The Aklanon farmers are continuously produ-cing food for the people with plenty to spare with other people in other provinces. Local in-dustries are progressive be in handicraft, furniture, and others.

Though comparatively small both in area and population, Aklan is blessed with two airports where a limited flights from other countries land. Caticlan Airport is the third busiest airport in the Philippines. Almost all coastal towns have constructed piers to serve inter provincial vessels. The Caticlan Jetty Port is serving as gateway to Panay and Negros.

In this Aklan Day, let us count our blessings and thank our God for His generosity. Where we are weak, let it be strengthened to untie our people from poverty. /MP

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