Saturday, April 25, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Aklan Media Bowling Cup Tournament

This column sincerely congratulates the proponents of the 2nd Vice Governor Gabrielle V. Calizo Aklan Media Bowling Cup Tournament who is Mr. Boy Ryan Zabal and his group for their great initiative. The tournament which started on April 20 can never be realized without their initiative, interest, and hard work put on it.

The players as well deserve congratulations for whom the tournament is organized and dedicated. The players in the respective teams are expected to participate actively. For what good is the tournament if there are no players? You are encouraged to play according to the rules of the game. When those are followed, I am pretty sure that at the end of the tournament, the objectives of holding this tournament will have been realized.

I am assured that you have developed among you through friendly competition, love, camaraderie, team work, and cooperation. There will be excellent bonding among media personalities in the province of Aklan.

The Aklan tri-media is highly grateful to Vice Governor Billie V. Calizo for allowing us to call the tournament: "2nd Vice Governor Gabrielle V. Calizo Aklan Media Bowling Cup" tournament. Let the players play their games to honor, respect and dignify the name of Vice Governor Calizo, a name she has built unblemished for years. She is a great admirer of media per-sonality and the benefactor of the tournament.

To the organizers, players and benefactor, our great applause to them. To the players, enjoy the game. Please remember: "When the great scorer checks your name, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."

BOD Failure

Listening to Mr. Carl Quimpo, chairperson, Board of Directors (BOD) of Akelco is hearing sad revelation. Answering the questions of Kaibahang Butz, program host of the radio program "Ilitsahan" on Tuesday morning, April 21. Mr. Quimpo did not give straight and appropriate answers to questions raised.

For instance on the question of how much was spent for the recent travel of one member of the BOD to the United States, Mr. Quimpo did not know how much. He pointed to the management. Will the expenses made justify the trip? He missed to justify.

It must be remembered that the BOD specifically the chair must know the Akelco doings. But Mr. Carl Quimpo did not know even the aggregate amount spent on a trip of a BOD member to the United States. Is the expenses recovered with more gain?

On the question of what are the actions made by the present BOD which he chairs on the Amended Electric Power Purchase Agreement, Mr. Quimpo accepted the BOD is helpless and cannot do anything.

Asked why Akelco increased electricity by P1.14 per kilowatt hour effective in the April billing instead of only P0.83 per kilowatt hour, he was not able to give logical answer.

On the P92 million debt with Avon Rivers which was the subject of two agreements, Mr. Carl Quimpo gave a very somber answer.

The member – consumers of Akelco has voted the members of the Akelco BOD with the hope that their interest will be well protected. However, it was a revelation that until today, they are abandoned.


Just last week, a housewife committed suicide because of family financial problem. She was very sorry, so ashamed to face and tell her husband the truth about it. She was found bleeding inside the comfort room of her house. She died in the hospital. The members of the family and household helps concluded she ended life herself, her own life.

Akelco consumer- members, I am sure, do not wish the members of the BOD of Akelco to do as what that lady did. Actually, Akelco consumer-members hope and pray their interest be taken care of and protected by the men whom they have elected to the BOD.


According to Atty. Daniel Martelino, Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer II of the DAR-Aklan, the Transco/NGO facility in Solido, Nabas, Aklan is illegal.

This pronouncement is strongly supported by Engr. Rene Enriquez – chairman of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee (PARCOM) because it violated Administrative Order No. 226-A of the President of the Philippines concerning the processing and approval of all land conversion applications of all ricelands.

According to Engr, Enriquez and Atty. Martelino, processing for conversion of riceland to industrial or commercial estate is suspended for a period of two years effective July 2008 when the order was signed.

According to the report of Terence Toriano of CBIS Ka-Tribu Radyo, Transco/NGCP started clearing the irrigated lands last week without acquiring the required land conversion from DAR as Atty. Martelino pointed out. /MP

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