Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Hongkong Writer’s Remark Is ‘Recessionary Racism’

After warning the public, particularly overseas Filipinos (OFWs) about ‘recessionary racism’, Senator Manny Villar expressed dismay over the comments of Hong Kong-based writer Chip Tsao regarding the Spratlys Islands and OFWs.

"There is no other possible label for such comments but racist. It is unfortunate that there are still people like Chip Tsao who think in such a manner. Our OFWs in Hong Kong , particularly the domestic helpers, do not deserve such racist remarks. They are well-educated, hardworking and decent people who should be accorded with respect and admiration," said Villar.

Thus, Villar cited that a long-term approach or strategy should be implemented in order to bring back as many OFWs to the country and give them equal or even greater opportunities than they would find working abroad. "Most OFWs are forced to seek the proverbial greener pastures overseas and escape parched lands at home, straying from their families and loved ones in the process."

The former Senate President added, "The racist remarks of Chip Tsao also contained veiled threats to our OFWs in Hong Kong . The country’s stand on the contested Spratlys islands should not have a direct bearing on our countrymen working abroad. Our labor offices overseas should really watch out for racist remarks or attacks against our OFWs."

Last week, Villar issued a warning against the increasing incidents of so-called recessionary racism in Europe and the Middle East, where there is a large concentration of OFWs. He cited that there is growing resentment and hostility towards migrants and foreign workers in various countries amidst the on-going global financial crisis.

According to Villar, "We need to prepare our OFWs about the possibility that they may be subjected to such attitude or treatment that can be described as recessionary racism and those who have experienced such should inform our labor offices. OFWs though should have a healthy attitude and peaceful approach when such incidents occur."

The total global deployment of OFWs last year surged to more than 1.376 million in more than 190 host destinations worldwide. According to the Philippine Overseas Em-ployment Administration, a total of 1,376,823 OFWs were deployed worldwide last year, representing a growth of 27.8 percent compared to the 1,077,623 OFWs deployed in 2007. On a daily basis, some 3,772 documented OFWs were deployed globally last year. /MP

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