Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Oplan Red Plate to Save P7 Billion

Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo issued recently E.O. No. 239 directing six government agencies namely: Om-budsman, Land Trans-portation Office (LTO), Philippine Infor-mation Agency (PIA), Civil Service Commission (CSC), Commission On Audit (COA) and Philippine National Police (PNP) to compose the Task Force called Oplan Red Plate.

At the weekly Kapehan on March 28, 2009, on hand to discuss the plan and mechanics of implementation were representatives Mr. Valtimore Conanan (LTO), Ms. Evelyn Ejar (CSC), and Ms. Venus Villanueva (PIA). Mr. Jose C. Cabarles – COA State Auditor V and PSupt. Maghari of the PNP, although invited did not attend.

The Executive Order covers all government motor vehicles used in the discharge of official functions within normal working hours and places within the area of responsibilities with Travel Order issued by authorized head of government office, Mr. Valtimore Conanan under-scored the need of strict compliance to the use of government vehicles. The vehicle must be duly painted with the sign: "For Official Use Only", trip ticket duly signed, posted conspicuously on wind-shield of the vehicle stating name of office, names of driver and passenger(s), places of origin and destination, estimated distance, gas need, and dates of travel.

Failure to comply with these requirements can be ground for administrative sanctions that include suspension or dismissal from the service. Office motor vehicles should be in its garage after the completion of travel.

Crackdown on soaring expenditures on gas and maintenance expenses by government personnel has been attributed to the callous use of official motor vehicles for personal gain. They are conveniently used for transport of family members to and from school, use in shopping, in pursuit of personal hobbies, business among others in flagrant violation of existing auditing and accounting policies, rules, regulations, and laws.

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo targets a minimum of 1.5 percent reduction in operating cost of all government agencies by reduction in the con-sumption of fuel and oil on unnecessary travels, misuse of government motor vehicles. This reduction will reach P7 billion annually if honestly implemented. Prominent in the agenda are lowered consumption of electricity, restrictions on unnecessary travel.

All citizens are enjoined to report violators under this directive by submitting a confidential report addressed to either Ombudsman and COA or any member of the Oplan Red Plate Task Force. Necessary documents include pictures of the vehicles parked in unlikely places, absence of trip ticket duly filled up, posted on the windshield, date, time and place where it happen, name of driver/passenger(s), and office where the vehicle belongs. Any means to convey report such as by text messaging with supporting facts is acceptable.

Atty. Allen S. Quimpo challenged Oplan Red Plate Task Force, bureaucrats, the tri-media and the public to be vigilant and assist in the apprehension and prose-cution of cases against the misuse of government vehicles regardless of their status in society. It is very appalling that only the small fry like the office driver shoulders all the brunt of the charges while the head of office is not involved. This is ridiculous if not plain hypocrisy.

Integrity, transparency and commitment to the ideals must be inculcated in the minds of our public servant since public office is a public trust. It should be noted that the law governing the proper use of government motor vehicles was passed in 1953. We cannot afford to have it posted like a paper tiger with no teeth concluded Ms. Ejar. /MP

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