Thursday, May 14, 2009

Power Rate Add-On In May

Akelco informs its valued member-consumers, there is a power rate add-on for the May Billing. The add-on is as follows:


RESIDENTIAL P8.7199/per kwh .8210 for the generation rate
COMMERCIAL P7.2992/per kwh .0304 EVAT. This is only
INDUSTRIAL P7.5268/per kwh applicable on affected days
PUBLIC BUILDING P7.7628/per kwh reflected on the power bill
STREET LIGHTS P10.9930/per kwh

According to general manager Chito Peralta, the add-on rate increase is due to the implementation of the recovery mechanism as CORPLAN Division computed.

Part of the recent increase in NPC’s generation adjustment rate was not passed-on to member-consumers on the billing cycle February 26-March 25, 2009. Thus, implementing the recovery in the current billing period invoking the pass-on principle of the Energy Regulatory Commission.

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