Sunday, May 31, 2009

Youth Camp in Numancia


The Parish Youth Ministry of St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Numancia, Aklan successfully held the 2nd Parochial Youth Camp on May 15-17, 2009 at the Sto. Nino Seminary, Numancia, Aklan with the theme “Youth Empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The objectives are: to empower the youth thru the guidance of the Holy Spirit; to produce responsible Christians/members of the youth ministry; and to motivate the youth to be responsive and active members of the church.

It is a gathering of more than a hundred youth in the parish of Numancia age 15–39 who are active members of the youth ministry. Some guest participants from the Diocese of Kalibo, Banga, Ibajay, and Pandan, Antique participated in the three days and two nights youth camp that brought a very meaningful and remarkable experience to each and everyone who joined, myself included.

Series of activities during the youth camp which are enjoyed by the young people are the torch parade, Taize prayer, animation, group presentations and sharing, early morning walk to Navitas, team building activities, tasking, and culminating program, Liturgy/Eucharistic celebrations by Rev. Fr. Am Mijares, Fr. Jose Relente, Fr. Vincent Cahilig and Fr. Elso Nalangan; listening to inspiring talks of smart and youthful speaker priests team ministry, Diocese of Numancia.

First speaker was Rev. Fr. Jay Velarde. He talked about “The Cenacle Experience”. Cenacle, derived from the word “Cenaculum” also known as the Upper Room, a term used for the site of the last supper and also considered the site of the Holy Spirit as it descended upon disciples on the day of Pentecost. According to Fr. Jay, “If one has the WHY, one can endure any HOW in life”. “We are God’s workmanship and within us are great possibilities to do good things for others and for God”, he stressed.

Rev. Fr. Val Nalangan talked about “The Tongues of Fire”. Fr. Val emphasized the three coolest experiences every young people go through. 1. The Room Experience – apparently every young people always find outrageous ways to find comfort in every com-plicated situation. 2. The Samalamig Experience –normally, youth encounters tense feelings like shyness, anxiousness, fear, cons-ciousness and all others 3. The Wheeeee Experience – or the fear factored and conquered moments.
Fr. Val also pointed out the three empowering and motivating moves which are 1. Diving into the Unknown 2. Driving Forward, and 3. Jumping in Winning, simply because one has been empowered to do so.

The third speaker, Rev. Fr. Jesse Guillergan, Jr. talked about “The Opened Door”. He inspired the young people to identify the most appreciated quality one can have and the power and capacity to do something great and learn to take the courage to make it happen. The need to reach out, explore possibilities of goodness to share and serve for others and for God.
After the talks, the young people were empowered, inspired and moved. Most of the youth who joined entered the Seminary (campsite) with uncertain minds and hearts. They candidly confessed that they knew little and unaware of what’s going to happen inside. As some of them were first timers to join in a spiritual youth gathering, they were just dragged by friends and acquaintances.
At first, they felt like they were drifting in an ocean without direction to take. But through the series of activities, bonding, friendship and genuine laughter shared, they were not just playing in a sandbox because God allows them to enjoy the ocean. They enjoyed at that. What an experience to cherish!

Every young people were given the chance to show their talents, to be their best and to be themselves during the presentation. They developed friendship and sportsmanship, won companionship which they will carry on for the rest of their lives.

The three days youth camp ended with great burning empowerment from the Holy Spirit. The young people went home equipped with the gift of wisdom, faith, love and generosity. They are the empowered youth of Numancia! /MP

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