Friday, June 19, 2009

A Couple Produces Child In Camp Capinpin

Some 16 middle level officials of the Philippine Marine were charged of "attempt to begin mutiny". This is the result of their protest done against the relief of General Renato Miranda sometime in February 2006.

The Court Marshal constituted of three top officials of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to hear their cases found "no case" against them. They recommended rein-statement to their respective positions for lack of cause of action.

But they are now charged of attempt to begin mutiny. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, Chief of Staff, AFP over turned the court marshal recommendation. Esperon is gone, these officials are still in jail.

They are still incarcerated in Camp General Mateo Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal. The 60 enlisted men were dishonorably discharged.

The 16 officials consists of two (2) lieutenant colonels, two (2) majors, eight (8) captains and four (4) first lieutenants. Of the 16, some 14 are all graduates of the Philippine Military Academy, while two are graduates of advanced ROTC course.

Col. Quiruben used to be with them in Camp Capinpin, but he is now with Gen. Danilo Lim after that Peninsula Hotel incident in Makati City.

Camp Mateo Capinpin is beautifully nestled on the Sierra Madre mountain range. It is two hours drive by car from Quezon City passing Marikina and Antipolo cities. There is very light traffic on the well paved, and beautiful scenery along the winding road leading to the camp.

At the early stage of their detention, they were highly restricted. They were prevented to go out of their cell; they were deprived of sunshine. Visitors were highly restricted and regulated. Security check was very strict and detailed.

Today, they can go out of their cells, have exercise. They maintain vegetable garden with verdant crops of eggplants, pepper, papaya, green unions, and tomatoes adjacent to the detention building.

For conjugal visit, an officer may use the conjugal room. There are two rooms available. So far, an officer detainee’s wife got pregnant after 10 years of their marriage, because of the conjugal visit and conjugal house. The couple celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary in the dining room of the detention center in Camp Gen. Mateo Capinpin on June 14. Thanks to Gen. Esperon, the couple produced a child.

Some 100 meters away from the gate of Camp Capinpin is also the gate of the 24 hectare Villa of former President Erap Estrada. This is the place where Erap spent his house arrest. This is a very attractive, pretty and enjoyable place to stay. The amenities will be featured in pictures in the next issue./MP

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