Thursday, June 25, 2009

Help 39 OFWs in Kuwait Villar Urges

Senator Manny Villar asked the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) to promptly assist the 39 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who are currently suffering in Kuwait.

The OFWs are reportedly being abused by their employers through non-payment of due salaries and lack of food provisions which forced them to catch monitor lizards ("bayawak") in the desert and have them as staple to survive.

At the same time, the workers complain of lack of protection in the workplace leading to injuries such as the one suffered by OFW Richard Maceda when a collapsed truck door fell on his foot.

Villar said, "Our OFWs are in physical peril. Their families are going hungry and deeply anxious about them. I call on the DFA and OWWA to promptly attend to and assist them accordingly."

Aside from Maceda, the OFWs also include Franklin Abbido, Edgardo Basilio, Eduardo Prieto, Eduardo Canero, Eduardo Camangyan, Joven Hollon, Nemencio Payag, Rowan Dominguez, and Jerry Pineda.

"Not only can we not feed our families back home, but most of us are also getting sick due to these unbearable situations," they said.

Had we known that this would be our fate abroad, we would not have left the country and our families," they said.

The migrant workers also suffer from poor accommodation in the factory which puts their health in jeopardy.

A television program focusing on OFWs has sought the assistance of
Villar on the said case.

Its recent letter to the senator stated, "We are witnesses to the thousands of OFWs helped by your office, and we hope that you can also extend help to these OFWs who are victims of their employer."

Harsh conditions faced by OFWs earlier pushed Villar to actively press for the application of the "no-fault insurance system" for OFWs, a form of indemnity plan in which anyone injured in an accident or misfortune receives direct payment from the company that has insured them, eliminating the need for victims to establish another’s liability or fault through a civil case.

Villar has also filed Senate Bill 3040 or the Overseas Contract Workers Insurance Act that seeks compulsory insurance for all OFWs in addition to benefits being provided by OWWA. /MP

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