Thursday, June 11, 2009

“Keep the Lights On” AKELCO Commits

by Lovell Gepte - Juliano

"We will keep the lights on", general manager Chito R. Peralta, Aklan Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AKELCO) assured the member–consumers during the 26th Annual General Membership Assembly held on June 6 in Lezo, Aklan.

In his GM’s report, he disclosed the National Power Corporation (NPC) contract with Akelco is only until June 25. NPC CEO, Froilan Tampico, informed Akelco that NPC is not capable to supply the energy requirements of the Panay Grid including Akelco.

Moreover, Peralta revealed the very alarming power scenario in Panay. "Since June–December 2008, a power deficit of more than 150 megawatts was ex-perienced in Panay Grid", he reported. However, Akelco is lucky enough compared to coops in Iloilo, Antique, and Capiz which are experiencing a four-hour power interruption daily, due to Akelco’s independent power producer.

Despite the looming power crisis in Panay Island, GM Peralta committed firmly to ensure power reliability to more than one hundred three thousand consumers in Aklan including the world renowned tourist destination, Boracay Island and northern towns of Antique thru collective efforts of Akelco management and staff, local officials and consumers. According to him, meeting with Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is the major option left to Akelco to extend the supply contract with NPC until 2011 until Akelco is able to negotiate with other power producer.

In the Assembly, Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores presided over the oath taking ceremony of the newly-elected Board of Directors. He inducted Directors Julieta A. Aron of District 1, Malay and Buruanga, Engr. Celso D. Tajanlngit of District 2 Pandan and Libertad, and Paterno I. Ibarreta of Lezo and Malinao District.

Miraflores appealed to consumers, board of directors, and local officials for unity and support to Akelco during this power crisis.

This year’s theme, "Keeping the Lights On", is significantly relevant as we face one of the biggest problems in Aklan, the power shortage and the increasing power rate. Once, Akelco sources out power from an independent power producer, rates will increase since it is not subsidized by the government unlike NPC. However, Akelco alone and the provincial government cannot beat this threat unless we support the mission of Akelco to be an effective and efficient cooperative especially in the rural areas", he pointed out.

Peralta recognized the achievement of Akelco on its performance for 2008, and its vital part in the progress of Aklan through electrification. Akelco’s collection efficiency last year was 99.14 percent while it has 12.06 percent system losses, lower than the approved cap of 14 percent. /MP

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