Thursday, June 04, 2009

Red Cross Volunteers Train

The Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC), Aklan Chapter concluded its five day training on "Community Based Disaster Management Course (CBDMC) May 25 – 29. It was held at Sampaguita Garden Resort, New Washington, Aklan.

The 45 participants who came from Numancia, Ibajay and New Washington are all Red Cross volunteers.

They have already completed the Basic Volunteers Orientation course, Basic Course for 143 project; they are physically and medically fit community members.

The CBDM course is designed to equip participants with the basic knowledge, skills, and concepts in disaster management in the community. For five days, the participants studied the PNRC and the Red Cross movement; the various services rendered by the Red Cross and its guiding principles, understanding the functions of Barangay Disaster Action Team and their roles in disaster management; community organizing, team building and community first aid.

The training was fully supported by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente was the guest speaker during their graduation program held on Friday, May 29. He challenged the graduates to apply what they learned in the course in order to mitigate the effect of any disaster that may occur in their respective barangays. He also thanked the International Federation of the Red Cross for conducting the training course, the resource persons, and the training staff. /MP

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