Sunday, July 05, 2009

AKELCO Joins NEA Tree Planting

by Lovell Gepte - Juliano
The Aklan Electric Cooperative, Inc (AKELCO) partnered with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Aklan Chapter joined the 118 other electric cooperatives (ECs) nationwide thru a simultaneous tree planting activity last month.

Around 100 AKELCO employees gathered to give root to at least 500 seedlings particularly forest trees such as Narra on the hillside near the Airlines Radar Site at Jawili, Tangalan, Aklan.

That activity was one of the significant events that fostered the celebration of National Electrification Administration (NEA) anniversary dubbed as Green light at 40. Along with 118 other ECs, AKELCO joined the nation in the said biggest commemoration of NEA’s forty years of serving the nation through rural electrification.

A short program took place before planting trees. DENR Project Manager, Artemio Bacarra was the guest speaker.

That was also one way of promoting environ-mental awareness to save our mother earth against global warming. Planting trees in the tropics may offset the carbon dioxide that people produce.

On the other hand, Mrs. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declared on March 16 the month of August as National Electrification Awareness Month with the theme "Kuryente ay Kailangan para sa Maunlad na Sambayanan". NEA con-tinues to light up homes thereby improving quality of life of every Filipinos in the rural areas. /MP

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