Sunday, July 19, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Ret. Major Paquito Saratiosa Resigns
Retired Police Major Paquito S. Saratiosa has filed his irrevocable resignation as action officer of the Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council/Provincial Public Safety and Emergency Management Office and the Provincial Peace and Order Council effective July 1, 2009.

According to Governor Carlito S. Marquez, he tried to convince Major Saratiosa not to resign but he failed. Marquez has no choice but accepted the resignation.

To continue pro-viding the services of the office, Gov. Marquez designated Retired Philippine Army 2Lt. Pepito M. Ruiz to the position vacated by Mr. Saratiosa. The designation is effective July 1, 2009.

Ruiz is consultant in the capitol on Disaster Preparedness and Management and Related Programs for Peace and Order. He is a native of Banga and married to the former Georgyn V. Reyes of Laguinbanua West, Numancia. They have three children. Pete, as he is fondly called, is a law graduate from Aklan Catholic College, Kalibo.
Mr. Jun Lozada, whistle blower of the cancelled NBN ZTE deal amounting to $328 million dollar was in Kalibo, Aklan on July 2 – 4. He arrived July 2, noon and left Kalibo in the morning July 4.

While in Kalibo, Lozada held public forum, press conference, radio interviews and motorcade. In the Northwestern Visayan Colleges, he spoke with the 3,000 students on the effects of corruption in high government offices.

He called the current MalacaƱang occupant “Dwende” with unsatiable greed of power, money, and honor. He told the “Dwende” is highly “incredible”.

For instance, Lozada revealed in her previous “State of the Nation Address” (SONA), Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo announced there was some 100,000 hectares planted to “Tuba tuba” in the Philippines when in reality there was only 1,000 hectares. That SONA was a fairy tale.

Lozada related how MalacaƱang would up-grade the cost of the NBN broadband. He said, NEDA recommended five (5) billion pesos cost for it. However, the proponents wished to add another 10 billion pesos to make it 15 billion with the 10 billion as their commission.

Being a consultant on the NBN project, he was amenable to 2.5 billion pesos commission. But the proponent did not listen to Lozada which prompted him to advise them to “minimize their greed”.

According to Lozada, with all the students presently enrolled at NVC and at the present college fees, it will take 300 years for the 10 billion pesos to spend for their tuition fees and other school fees.

Lozada concluded, Ms. “Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is unworthy of any trust”. Lozada was accompanied in his trip to Kalibo by Sister Mary John Manansan, president, Association of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines. His visit was a project of Women Entrepreneurs of Aklan led by Mrs. Rose Flores Nepomuceno of Albasan, Numancia, Aklan.
As even before, there is very urgent need for the police to patrol the roads in the night. Most of the traffic accidents and criminal incidents are happening in the evening. Thieves are feasting in the night.

The police may stop and educate drivers of vehicles runnning the roads without light, drivers who do not dim their lights. They may apprehended drivers driving vehicles without light. This will avoid accidents leading to loss of lives and properties.

The police may also implement curfew on minors still roaming around town in the middle of the night. The police presence in the community will deter and prevent the commission of any crime. /MP

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