Sunday, July 26, 2009

Roxas Commends 13 Filipino ‘Mathletes’

For 4th Place Win in World Math Competition
Sen. Mar Roxas this week hailed local grown Math experts who won 27 medals and placed fourth in the recent 10th World Youth Invitational Mathematics Intercity (IWYMIC) Competition held recently in Durban, South Africa.

"I salute the Filipino people. This is clear proof that we can compete with the world’s best," he said in filing Senate Resolution No. 1203 urging his colleagues to recognize the achievement of the 13-man Filipino contingent which participated in the IWYMIC from July 5 to 10.

"The various honors and achievements won by the Philippine delegation to IWYMIC only show that our youth can compete and win against the best students in the world, thus providing another source of inspiration to our Filipino youth," he said in PSR No. 1203.

The Visayan senator said due recognition should be given to the 13 Filipino numbers aces, namely: Geraldine Baniqued from St. Paul College-Pasig, Arielle Elise Chua from St. Jude Catholic School, Russell Virata from Gideon Academy, Zheng Rong Wu from Zamboanga Chong Hua High School, Adrian Raphael Co from British School Manila, Matthew Chris Chan from St. Stephen’s High School, Ostin John Ong from Bacolod Trinity Christian School, Vance Eldric Go from St. Jude Catholic School-Manila, Elvis Jeremy Ayroso from Philippine Science High School-Manila, Sarah Jane Cua from Pangasinan Universal Institute, Paolo Manuel Iyulores of Ateneo de Manila High School, Janssen Kotah from Philippine Cultural College, and Hanz Vladimir Cabanes from Zamboanga Chong Hua High School.

The "Mathletes" got four (4) silver, 23 bronze medals, trophies and certificates in the formal awards ceremonies held at the auditorium of the Durban City Hall on July 9. A total of 228 high school students competed in this year’s contest, which was topped by math aces from China, Singapore and Thailand.
Baniqued, Chua, Virata and Wu, who formed the Philippines’ Team A posted a 1st Runner-Up finish in the team category and brought home silver medals and a trophy.

Bronze medals and a trophy were brought home by Team B composed of Co, Chan, Ong and Go while Ayroso, Iyulores, Kotah and Cabanes of Team C received a Merit Award, all in the team category competition.

Seven "Mathletes" got bronze medals for earning high marks in the individual category competition, and these were Baniqued, Virata, Wu, Chan, Go, Ayroso and Cua while Co, Ong, Chua and Iyulores were awarded certificates of merit for satisfactory scores in the individual category. /MP

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