Sunday, August 09, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
This column cong-ratulates the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Kalibo, Aklan for relocating its offices to their new office building in BLISS site, Poblacion, Kalibo, Aklan. According to Mr. Baltazar Gerardo, CENRO, his legacy will save the government P38,000.00 per month or P556,000.00 annually for the payment of office rental. Congratulations DENR Aklan for your courage and determination to acquire a piece of land and to construct office building. DENR Aklan has been renting office space since its foundation in Aklan in 1957 or for the last 52 years.

Congratulation is also extended to the Regional Trial Court, Kalibo, Aklan. Its Hall of Justice building located in Capitol ground, Kalibo, Aklan is just completed. All the regional trial court branches returned to the newly reconstructed Hall of Justice building, beautifully repaired after typhoon Frank badly destroyed it on June 21, 2008. Destroyed with the building were furniture, office files, office equipment, supplies and others.

The honorable judges and their respective personnel had returned to the more beautifully rebuilt Hall of Justice building which cost less than P40 million. Congratulations!

Hon. Marietta J. Homena-Valencia, executive judge has issued a dress code to follow for people who had official business to do inside the Hall of Justice building.

The Philippine Constitution in Article XII, Section 14 on women states, "The state shall protect working women by providing safe and healthful working conditions, taking into account their maternal functions, and such facilities and opportunities that will enhance their welfare and enable them to realize their full potential in the service of the nation".

In the "Kapehan" on Saturday, August 1, Rose Nepomuceno of "Women of Aklan" informed the members of the media of their five priorities which are: a) woman entrepreneurial knowledge, knowledge and skills development; b) family health and wellness; c) good governance; d) women empowerment; and e) environment.
Asked to rank their priorities from first to fifth; Sylvia Quinesio was misty eyed. She recalled how women are battered, tortured and abused here and abroad. Her tears simply mean she loves the Philippines, particularly Aklan. Do you cry for your country and people?

God has vested women the sole function to bear and rear children. They are the most effective home managers taking care in the molding of their children into a most productive, loyal, and law abiding citizens. In the home, mothers are the managers, be it finance, food, and other resources. The quality of citizens a country has is in the hands of the mothers.

Above all, mother has the greatest influence in the shaping of the character of their children, the future citizens of the nation. The character of the citizen of the country is influenced by mothers, at least a big chunk of it. But where are some of our mothers?

May Aklan women put child bearing, rearing and management their prime priority.

Thank You

Thank you Engr. Roberto Cabigas for installing the "no entry" sign near the newly completed bridge in Ibajay, Aklan. This will surely avoid accident just in front of the ASU, Ibajay Campus.

The need of this signage was brought to the attention of Engr. Cabigas during the Kapehan on July 25. /MP

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