Thursday, August 13, 2009


Is There May 2010 Elections?
by Ambrosio R. Villorente
In 10 months from today, there will be some changes in the political leaderships in Malacañang, Congress of the Philippine, provinces, cities, and municipalities. There will also be changes of the officials holding political or co-terminus positions in the government.

There will be status-co however if the presidential election in May 2010 will not take place. There will be extension of tenure of office which majority of the Filipinos rejects.

Should the Cons-titutional Amendment is pushed through the May Presidential Election is postponed, and hold over capacity is in effect, its will be God’s mutual blessing to places, its officials and people whose officials are productive and whose performances are highly appreciated.

But who among the 87 million Filipinos agree for the extension of stay of Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo? There are many of them of course. Those who are now enjoying favor, resources and power as a consequence for being in the inner circle of the Macapagal Arroyo domain. Prestige? It is highly doubtful if those serving in the Arroyo cabinet is enjoying prestige. Of course they enjoy on the basis of their personal and social relations with the Filipinos. But it is doubtful if they are accorded respect and admiration of their official collegial actions and decisions.

Those who are receiving financial assis-tance such as from the 4Ps wish the present Malacañang occupant and her minions will have a continued stay so they will also continue receiving assistance.


For the last two months, Ms. Arroyo suffered of some flacks. First is the P20,000 US dollar dinner in New York City which was badly criticized by the New York Post. According to the New York Post, it is so immune for govern-ment officials to spend lavishly for a dinner in a high class restaurant while the people back home is deeply buried in poverty.

Another paper in Washington D.C. similarly criticized Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for spending so much for her and her party’s trip. But is there any good result of her visit?

Second, the Malacañang choice of seven awardees for "National Artist" was strongly objected. The committee which is mandated to conduct the search and evaluation submitted four nominees for the National Artist Awards. Out of the four, Malacañang removed one and added another four that made it seven. But the four additionals. Malacañang added included the chairman of the National Council for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). NCCA recommends the people who should be awarded the "National Artist" award.

In the nomination to fill up the vacancy in the Judiciary, the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) is empowered to conduct the search, evaluation and recommend the most qualified persons for appointment to the vacant position.

The JBC recom-mended to Malacañang four qualified nominees to the vacant positions in the Supreme Court of the Philippines. But Mala-cañang returned the list to the JBC with the advise to add more names in the list. The JBC insisted of the four names. It did not add any more names.

Malacañang finally appointed two qualified nominees the JBC endorsed for appointment to the positions of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. /MP

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