Sunday, August 02, 2009

NVC Alumni Activate Numancia Makato Chapters

Dr. Dobie Parohinog

Picture above shows (l to r) Arthuro T. Terencio-President, Ethel M. Torate-Secretary, Linda U. Tumbokon- Treasurer, Tely V. Tapican-PRO, Lillian T. Tumaca, Shirlina C. Matorre-Board of Directors, and Mrs.Elma M. Jera- Alumni Coordinator.

The NVC Alumni Chapter elected Dr. Dobie P. Parohinog President. He was elected on July 18, 2009 held in Numancia Integrated School, Numancia, Aklan.

Dr. Parohinog finished his Marter’s degree in Education in 1987. He is now the Principal of Bulwang Elementary School, Numancia.

After the election, Mrs. Elma M. Jera, Alumni Coordinator briefed them of the programs and activities in the coming NVC Alumni reunion on January 12 – 13, 2010.

Elected with Parohinog are: Ret. PO Razan P. Perlas-Vice President; Fidela N. Cipriano-Secretary; Louela V. Clavel-Treasurer; Marita U. Nicodemus-Asst. Sec. Treas.; Rodgie Ereneo-P.R.O.; Clariza Pamating, SPO3 Bernard Ufano, Anelyn Sajis, Amor Magdaluyo and Patrocenia Y. Mamburam are the Board of Directors.

Makato Chapter

In Makato, Mr. Arturo T. Terencio, BSED 1990 and a faculty of ASU Makato was chosen President of the NVC Alumni Foundation, Inc., Makato Chapter in an organizational meeting held on Saturday, July 18, 2009 at Makato Integrated School, Makato, Aklan.

Mrs. Elma M. Jera, Alumni Coordinator briefed the Alumni of the coming Reunion on January 12 -13, 2009 and the planned activities and programs.
The other elected officers of the NVC Alumni Makato Chapter: Anthony Castillo-Vice President; Ethel M. Torate-Secretary; Linda U. Tumbokon-Treasurer; Tely V. Tapican-P.R.O; Lillian T. Tumaca, Shirlina C. Matorre, Lilbeth Tiongson, Medgen Leyson, and Flor T. Magallanes are the Board of Directors.

In their acceptance message, Parohinog and Terencio appealed to all NVC Alumni of Numancia to participate and to reach out to other alumni. /MP

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