Sunday, August 02, 2009

Red Plate and Anti Corruption Orientation

A half day orientation on OPLAN RED PLATE and Anti Corruption was held on Wednesday afternoon, July 23, 2009. It was held in Kusina sa Kalibo, Aklan.

Sponsored by the Kapisanan ng mga Brod k aster ng Pilipinas, Amigo Badminton Club, and Aklan Press Club, Inc., some 54 participants who are members of the Aklan tri-media attended. There were two students from Aklan State University, Ibajay Campus and six from Northwestern Visayan Colleges Masscom who also attended.

Atty. Sonnette S. Daguita, aided with a power point discussed and presented Oplan Red Plate while Ms. Evangeline Nuñal presented the Anti Corruption topics. The two speakers belong to the Corruption Prevention Unit of the Ombudsman Visayas, Iloilo City.

The orientation started with an invocation led by Recto I. Vidal correspondent of Philippine Daily Inquirer. Ms. Sherry Ann E. Reunir, anchor person of Bombo Radyo Kalibo led the Pamansang Awit ng Pilipinas. KBP Chairman Aklan Chapter Augusto C. Tolentino welcomed the participants and guests.

Jun Aguirre of Hala Birada and Ralp R. Maypa of RMN DYKR delivered the reactions on the orientation representing the print and broadcast media respectively.

Edwin Ramos of PIA Kalibo, Aklan presided the open forum. The orientation ended with the thanksgiving remark of Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente.

The orientation specifically dealt with proper uses and operation of government vehicles geared to reduce cost of operation and maintenance.
It also explained the creation of Ombudsman, its vision and mission and its roles on how the people in the community may help the Ombudsman realize its mission and vision. /MP

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