Monday, September 28, 2009

Developing Scout Leaders

Picture shows (l to r) Leila L. Pamati-an, Scout Provincial Executive for Capiz and Aklan, Ernesto Melgarejo, Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente and Vincent Piccio III.

To strengthen institu-tional heads capability in performing their respon-sibilities as leaders of adults, Scouting Orientation and Basic Training Course is held. The course opened on Friday morning, Sept. 25 in Sampaguita Gardens Resort, New Washington. It will end on Sunday, Sept. 27.

The course is designed to strengthen institutional heads capability in performing their respon-sibilities as leaders, explain why scouting is very effective contributor to the solution of the problems of Philippine Society, and to explore ways of promoting the competitive advantages and relevance of scouting in the present social realities.

DepEd district supervisors, principals, head teachers, teacher in-charge, OICs of public and private elementary and secondary schools and institutional representatives are attending the course according to Dr. Victorina S. Laroza, Aklan Schools Division Superintendent. The participants come from the Divisions of Roxas, Capiz, and Aklan.

The three-day activities are the opening program, course objectives, history and fundamentals of scouting, scouting of family, BSP adult family, roles of leaders, outdoor program, scouting activities, round table demo, and other relevant topics. These will be discussed and presided by top leaders of the scout community under the leadership of Course Leader Vincent Piccio III of the BSP, Antique Council./MP

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