Thursday, September 10, 2009


Questions for Sen. Aquino
What will he do with the Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac? This is one of the questions asked after Sen. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III declared: "I accept the call of the people and the advice of my parents. I accept the responsibility to continue and lead the fight for our country. I will run for president in the coming elections".

Sen. Noynoy Aquino announced his acceptance to be the candidate for president of the Philippines in the May 2010 presidential elections. He read his acceptance speech prepared in Pilipino during a press conference held on Wednesday morning, Sept. 9 at Club Pilipino.

According to him, "he could not turn his back on the people’s clamor for change". He added, "during my mothers wake and burial, we saw and I think no one can dispute the people are hoping to bring back the time when the people had real democracy and freedom".

But will the outpouring of love and emotion for Ninoy and Cory of the people be translated into sufficient number of votes for Noynoy Aquino to win the presidency in the May 2010 elections? It is no denying, hundred of thousands of people exhibited love and sympathy for the former president Cory Aquino. However, almost all those people came from Metro Manila and Central Luzon. Assuming the people of the Visayas and Mindanao did the same with that of Luzon, will that love and sympathy converted into enough votes?

For all these years, people should have learned to elect public officials, especially the President of the Philippines with reasons. They now must use their heads and reasons.

Can he respond to poverty? Can Sen. Aquino convince the family to distribute the family estate to their tenants? Will he return supervised credit program to the Pilipino farmers? Will he return the Land Bank of the Philippines to the Agrarian Reform beneficiaries for which it was organized by mandate of RA 3844 when he becomes president?

Before the death of his mother, the balding Sen. Noynoy Aquino was a low profile public official. He has no plan to be president. In the House of Representatives where he served for three (3) terms or nine (9) years, he has no major legislative accomplishment neither in the Senate where he has served for almost three (3) years.

Senator Aquino finished a degree in economics at the Ateneo de Manila University. He was a part time employee of his mother for 17 years. He also worked as a volunteer outreach worker of an NGO.

With his track records, will Sen. Aquino become active and effective President? Can he make his own sincere, appropriate decision on state affairs?

Excluding Sen. Mar Roxas, who have exerted more efforts to Aquino to run for the Presidency?

What are the agenda of these people? What are their track records? Can we trust them on the basis of their performance? They will influence Sen. Aquino, in case he wins the presidency, in decision making.

What will be the role of Ms. Kris Aquino Yap, his sister? Will the showbiz personalities be a factor in Aquino Presidency in case he is successful?

Will Sen. Aquino have the will and the strength to get back the more than 100 billion pesos coconut levy funds and return it to the coconut farmers to which it rightly belongs and of which is being enjoyed by Mr. Danding Cojuangco? These are some of the questions for Sen. Aquino must answer the electorates during his campaign for the coming election. /MP

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