Friday, September 04, 2009


Illegal Recruitment In Aklan
On Wednesday morning, September 3, a KTV Bar was raided by the police on the basis of information that such establishment is allegedly employing minors and illegally detaining them. The raid resulted to the arrest of the floor manager and the rescue of two female minors and one adult employed as guests relations officers (GRO).

The police which raided the KTV Bar found the said establishment securely locked when they arrived. The three GRO’s were locked inside the establishment. They looked for the manager but was not located. They found however, the floor manager in another house who was immediately arrested and detained for allegedly committing human trafficking and illegal detention.

Where is the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE?) Do we have it in Aklan? What is it doing? Republic Act No. 8042 was approved to: 1. provide free legal assistance to victims of illegal recruitment and related cases; 2. Prosecute illegal recruiters; 3. Conduct special operations – surveillance, entrapment of persons engaging in illegal recruitment activities; 4. Conduct information and education campaigns about labor recruitment; and 5. Coordinate with the other appropriate entities in the implementation of said program.

But does the DOLE do these? Those establishments found to be engaging in illegal recruitment must be closed. How many are closed for illegal recruitment in Aklan particularly in Kalibo and Boracay Island Resort? There are some violators, but no closure. Is illegal recruitment function of the local government unit? If yes, concerned LGU’s must take action.

For the victims, they must be provided with legal assistance; assist victims in the filling of criminal complaints; provide counseling; provide legal advice; provide assistance in the preparation and documen-tation of complaints. But which will provide these above stated assistance to the victims? DOLE? LGU? The case at KTV bar, Kalibo is the Kalibo PNP action.

The DOLE is yet to come out with information about its anti-illegal campaign program. For instance, how does DOLE prevent the commitment of illegal recruitment? This prevention method must be widely disseminated especially in the media.

What is the penalty for example, for any violation of R.A. 8042? Is there fine? Imprisonment? or both fine and imprisonment?

The DOLE should discuss among the people the methods by which illegal recruiters violate the law. It must also inform the public how to avoid illegal recruitment such as the preventive approach and the remedial approach.

Aklan Re-greening

While traveling along the road system of Aklan, it is noticeable the Aklanons are busy cleaning the sides of the road. They are removing the weeds, re-planting ornamental and flower plants, putting pebbles and painting it.

What they are doing are in cooperation with the local government of Aklan program to beautify the countryside and make travel more comfortable and pleasant. It is being done to attract more visitors to visit Aklan.

The Aklan re-greening program will be more advantageous to our people if safety measure is added. This will be done by not planting the side walks and remove the existing fences for pedestrians. A re-greening guide maybe provided the people. /MP

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