Friday, September 18, 2009

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Does KIA Deserve Terminal Fee Increase?

Mr. Percy A. Malonesio, Airport Manager of the Kalibo International Airport (KIA) informed the Entrepre-neurial Farmer the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Passenger Terminal Fee increases. The hearing was held on Sept. 8 in the New Iloilo Airport, Iloilo.

The invitation was dated Sept. 3. However, I received it on September 10, one day after the scheduled hearing. Even if I wanted to attend and participate in the hearing, it was not possible. The invitation came late. It should have been given me one day before the event considering the distance and travel time from Kalibo to Iloio.

On the basis of the information given, except for NAIA, Clark and Subic, all airports terminal fees in the Philippines will be increased from 750 to 1,000 percent.

In the KIA, Passenger Terminal Fee of P20 per passenger will increase to P200 or P1000 percent. The present Passenger Terminal Fee of P500 per international passenger will increase to P750 or 150 percent.

What does Kalibo International Airport have that will make it deserving to increase its passenger terminal fee? Of course the plane passengers will agonize in the congested both in the check-in area and departure area. They will also endure the dirty toilet, sometimes devoid of water, soap and toilet paper.

Of course, even if the departure area is already congested, the CAAP has even rented out some spaces to a SPA operator, souvenir shops, and gift shops for additional income the CAAP badly needs. Inside the departure area, some advertisements are allowed not only for more money but also for more ugliness. This is world class at the bottom in terms of facilities.
Battle of Relatives
Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III is the presidential candidate for the May 2010 national elections, the standard bearer of the Liberal Party in that election.
Sec. Gilberto Teodoro has also been selected by the LAKAS KAMPI CMD as its presidential candidate in the May 2010 presidential elections. Teodoro is the current Secretary of National Defense, while Noynoy Aquino is an incumbent senator of the Philippines.

Both Aquino and Teodoro are natives of Tarlac province in Central, Luzon. Both are Cojuangco scions. Noynoy’s mother, Cory is a Cojuangco and Teodoro’s mother is also a Cojuangco. The respective families of Teodoro and Aquino are key provincial leaders in Tarlac and in the national level. What is the difference between the two then? Nothing. They are both from Central Luzon, both wealthy, both of Cojuangco family. Their culture is similar, their language identical.

But who between the two is sincere and man of integrity and honesty? Who is sympathetic to the flight of the poor? They are wealthy. Do they know the problems and aspirations of the poor people? Will Teodoro or Aquino share his tremendous wealth with the poor families? Or who has unsatiable greed and will continue acquiring more wealth?

It is not enough to restore freedoms and democracy among the people. It must be accompanied with economic freedom. All other freedoms are useless, meaningless in the absence of economic freedom. All other freedoms will be surrendered in the absence of economic freedom.

More Filipinos are living in poverty because few families have more and more wealth. They hoard more wealth and deprive the many of food, clothes, medicine and other basic needs.

Will they let go a part of their wealth for millions of Filipinos who sleep hungry and allow access to food? To good education? To decent shelter? To effective medicine? These are the questions Mr. Teodoro and Mr. Aquino will answer during their campaign sorties. /MP

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