Friday, September 18, 2009

Use Hybrid Seeds, Nacionales Urges Farmers

OTON, ILOILO – Producing 7.0 metric tons per hectare is very attainable when one uses hybrid seeds. Dir. Larry P. Nacionales proved this during the harvest festival held on September 9, 2009 at Tagbac Norte, Oton, Iloilo. The DA Region VI director uses PHB71 of the Pioneer Seed Company.

PHB71 is early maturing compared to other rice varieties. It is resistant to rice blast disease and has high milling and head rice recovery. PHB71 has good eating quality.

Dir. Nacionales does not only teach the right technology on rice production, he shows also the use of hybrid seeds to increase yield.

Nacionales acknowledges the role of the private sector in attaining rice sufficiency in the country considering that rice is the number one commodity of Western Visayas.

He is urging the local government units to continuously deliver technical services and information to our farmers for they are the front liners in extension.

Nacionales reported that Western Visayas ranks second in rice production in the whole country after Central Luzon.

The Region VI yield performance on rice production was 3.10 metric tons per hectare in 2008.

The demo farm of Dir. Nacionales is one (1) hectare and he uses five (5) bags seed only at 5 kg/ bag.

This dry cropping season of 2009, there is a 50-50 scheme on seed subsidy which the National Food Authority (NFA) will implement, Nacionales announced. As regards the hybrid rice, when one can plant up to September 15, the subsidy from the government is P1, 500.00.

In cluster areas of at least 60 hectares, all hybrid seeds will be paid by the DA but farmers must follow synchronous planting. (RAFID6) /MP

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