Thursday, October 29, 2009

Communist Infiltrates Youth/Student Sector

by Sgt Glenn I Zolina (Inf) PA-3CMOU,CMOG,PA

Student activism started in the early 1930’s as a form of struggle against American colonizers. The Filipino youth and students were among the prime targets of the communist movement in its early existence. Student activism took a more concrete form when Jose Maria Sison organized the Kabataang Makabayan (KM) as the youth Arm of Lapiang Manggagawa or workers Party of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). Since then, the party gained substantial headway in its expansion. It carried out various mass actions, foremost of which was the First Quarter Storm (FQS) of 1970 that hastened the so called revolutionary situation then prevailing in the country.

To date, there are around 15 – 20 militant student organizations believed to have been exploited/manipulated by the CPP/NPA/NDF. The most militant Youth/Student group in the different colleges and universities nationwide is the League of Filipino Student (LFS). This is a national alliance of student organizations, student’s councils, school alliances from colleges and universities in the Philippines.

The LFS led boycotts, demonstrations and delegations demanding tuition fee rollback and other issues related in school just to influence the belief, emotion, behavior, attitude and opinion of the students. The CPP founding Chairman Joma Sison expressed his gratitude to the LFS being one among the biggest components which provides mass support to the CPP/NPA/NDF legal struggle.

The Philippine Army in the province of Aklan particularly the 12IB, 3ID and 3CMOU is on their track to provide education to the students about the hidden agenda of this organization. One of the primary characteristics of the LFS aside from being a radical organization struggling for the attainment of national democracy is a source of a political cadre of the CPP/NPA/NDF.

Today, the AFP recorded numerous violations of children’s human right committed by the communist. "The rights of every child to be protected against abuse, exploitation, violence and danger" are abused. Just last 13 October 2009, the 82IB encountered and recovered NPA camp in Brgy Onop, Miag-ao, Iloilo. One of their propaganda messages painted in a laminated sack is "Pamatan-on mag intra sa NPA". This is a clear manifestation that the CPP/NPA/NDF is encouraging the youth to become their members.

As part of the Army Social Responsibility, the 12IB and 3CMOU, Philippine Army through its Internal Security Awareness Symposium (ISAS) conducted in different schools in the province of Aklan, states that "if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle," Sun Tzu. /MP

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