Sunday, October 04, 2009


Government Retirees of Libacao
Ambassadors At Large *

by Atty. Saykeme E. Molino – Martelino


We have gathered here this morning to honor the officers and one hundred strong members of Government Retirees Organization of Libacao, Inc., who retired at different times from various government positions and offices. These persons contributed significantly to the success not only of Libacao but our province (of Aklan), as well. We thank you for this contribution. I am glad to note that all of you retired with clean records and I commend you for that.

I know that since you have retired from the service, you all have been asked, what are you going to do now? I say, do a lot of things and do not conform to the notion of retirement as time of waiting for the inevitable end. Helen Keller, puts it this way: ‘People who refuse to rest honorably on their laurels when they reach "retirement" age seem very admirable to me.’ Travel to places you’ve always wanted to go to and haven’t been. Read all the books that have been waiting on your ‘must read’ list for years. Do gardening, learn new skills, play with your grandchildren, visit art galleries, enjoy being around with friends . . . in short, plan to LIVE.

Retiring from the service does not mean the end of one’s productivity and contribution to nation building. It simply means changing roles from being employed to self employment. In other words, it means working in a different capacity in a different field. During your retirement, you will learn that there is a lot you can do to earn a living and achieve your dreams. In fact, you will discover that you may have not realized your full potential while working for the government. A career choice as self-employed should be compatible with an individual’s life priorities.

I urge you to discover your potential and exploit it to the maximum. Have goals and aim at achieving them. Whatever amount of resources you have, invest them wisely in appropriate income generating activities. Avoid investing in a business you do not know or whose success is not feasible in the foreseeable future. If you have a problem in deciding the right business, seek professional advice. By wisely investing (your savings), you will have secured your future and hence become financially independent.

As you enjoy your retirement from public service, remember that you are now role models in the society. You are Libacao’s ambassadors at large and we will, therefore, expect you to play a key role in enhancing the develop-ment of Libacao.

Among us this morning are the spouses and/or family members of those we have come to honor. I would like to recognize their presence and thank them for their contribution towards your success at your respective workplaces.

Finally, I thank you all for joining us here today. And to the retirees, I say thank you once again for the many years you have dedicated to government service and more importantly, for your contribution to the success which Libacao and the Province of Aklan enjoy today. I wish you success in all your endeavors.

* Speech delivered during the Induction Program of the officers of the GROLI on Sept. 27, 2009, Libacao, Aklan. /MP

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